Do u know any good devs interested in recreating wom

It’s not like wom was that advanced tho, all u would lose was some rare weapons that are easily grindable. Not like a legendary weapon.

I agree with you, one thing wom lacked was an initiative, there was no reason behind what you had to do in the storyline. No huge threat.

Joshiiba: I don’t wanna get roped into this again
Also joshiiba: getting roped into it


i didn’t say that i didn’t wanna get roped into it again, tree just kind of assumed that lol

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id lose about 10 sunkens which took hundreds of hours to get

But u will have them in ao


but not in wom

Ok and? U don’t gotta no life wom remake, u can just no life ao and play wom remake for storyline, pvp and the fun (like me)

bitch im not gonna play a shitty wom remake if i cant keep my stuff that ive grinded for hours to get

Who said it will be shitty? If anything it will be an improved wom, improving all the bad parts

bro just look at ar :face_vomiting:

world of magic should get copy and pasted onto another game but without updates

it’ll probably die eventually but who cares

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Cursed Arts.

very big, very detailed, very painful

Couldn’t agree any more, however, I would like to leave some comments:

  • I love to read the Trello, and they had a section for cultures. While I do agree that the current towns are bland and generic, the future ones (Like the snow folk) are more intresting. Shame that these towns don’t feel that connected to their culture though.

  • The Magic Council’s absolute grasp on the world feels…odd to say the least. Realistically, I could imagine them having a poorer foothold for most of the world, with them only appear if help was needed. Local law enforcement/militaries should appear more.

What if we made a discord for this thing? Just in case this gets off the ground from a concept.

I saidthat because I assumed you wouldn’t want to go back to it judging from previous events.

Ive been discussing it with him in dms, it might happen
