Do you guys still remenber , the first time you opened World of Magic?

a long ago Do you guys still remenber the first time you opened World of Magic?

I remenber the first time i saw the loading screen , when i created my first slot at the middle of the others two , and created a shit character because i only wanted to player lol , but the game was , you know unfinished

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Open test 1, I was contemplating which of my friends to join

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Yeah i played in open test and i picked light magic moonlight variant because it seemed cool and messed around

played during open test 4, i had to do the tutorial like 3 times cause i messed it up for some reason

Basically a couple days after release, I saw it on front page and clicked instantly. I kinda missed out on the open tests. I lagged so much but I’ve gotten a better computer since then.

I remember playing during Open Test 1, barely anything was on the map at that time besides Ironport and you could barely level up

Played around open test 2 or 3. Played this right after adventure story not knowing it was also made by vetex, picked acid magic since it sounded cool. Walked around thinking it was too complex, then after doing the tutorial i INSTANTLY recognized that it was a vetex game

i made some kind of shaggy wood user in the first open test, was immediately disappointed by the lack of logs and made a water file 2 min later

i still have my original file from open test 1 that i mainly use (or used) and i will probably continue playing with it in AO

i joined on release day, spent 20 minutes making a character, then shot a mercenary when i made my blast attack. i was getting owned so i yelled at it to stop like an Aaron would and proceeded to ragequit after dying. didn’t pick up the game for another 3 months because of the lag but i came back with a better computer

I also joined in Open Test 4!

yeah i do

the entire town fcking collapsed

good times

It was open test 1, I joined the game and picked fire magic.
I joined into a wasteland.
Everything was destroyed and I had no idea what I was looking at.

I left, confused, but optimistic about the game.

Test one
I picked magma and cosplayed as trigno at ironport

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Open Test 1
I think I had a clue that it was the same dev that made AA. Chose lighting magic and just explored Ironport and entered through all the buildings and stuff

Fellow magma enjoyer. It was actually the first magic I picked on WoM. I didn’t settle on wind until like open test 2.

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yup. saw the loading screen, did the tutorial, and it softlocked on me so i wasn’t able to progress

got frustrated about it being stuck on my hud so i quit

i joined during open test 1 and got called a hacker by a couple of kids who didn’t know you could break the environment with magic

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did they just hit literally nothing ever or something?

i saw my friend playing it during open test 4 and thought it looked cool and tried it out