Do you hate your body?

If yes, why or what would your ideal/favorite body be?
  • Yes
  • No
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Personally for me, I absolutely fucking hate mine for practicality reasons.

Here’s what I’d want (note to self: edit later with cosmetic details):

  • Male
  • 6’8 or smth
  • Stocky endomorph
  • Myostatin deficiency (free muscles without exercise)
  • Insane longevity…? (might not be possible)
  • Explosive muscles with lots of fast-twitch fibers (stamina doesn’t matter if you can kill others fast enough, before they can utilize their stamina)
  • Basically a minmaxed killer body

arcane odyssey

this is peak minmaxing

yes; reason: transgender

but, disregarding the things related to that, i think my face looks a bit mean

also btw i fucking hate children and i never wanna be a parent

dont put me in a room full of 6 year olds because shit will go wrong (not predatory) (i will swear at them)

I wish I wasnt ugly af and I wish I had a slower metabolism

jesus christ thats a bit much

Nah I’m fine

You mean in AO, or?


my ribs are slightly flat because i lay on my side a lot ):

do rib unflatteners exist


now that i realized i fucking hate my body i’m now thinking what my self insert in my story should be if i add one (although they’re unlikely to be protagonists)

i don’t loathe it but its certainly not ideal

These two things have a tendency to conflict. Also, back problems.

Bro want to be Aragorn so bad

I’m honestly pretty fine with it. Wish I was in better shape, but I’m of a healthy weight, and that problem can be solved by me if I actually put in the effort. My main issues lies in my face shape—I somehow have a slight double-chin despite being at around 14-17% body fat.

Also, my sister teases me over my height but fails to realize that she’s proportionally the same compared to the average height of our respective sexes.

i like immortality

i remember in an older post i mentioned how i’d like to be immortal or something

I’d like to not age as well