Do you hate your body?

idk how old she is

I’ve got a few things about my body that aren’t perfect, but nothing that would really have any sort of impact on my life (or at least I think so) so I don’t particularly mind

I’m 19 on HRT

im 16 btw

nah that post was just for fun lmao i guess, although i’m not sure how i would get word out if i die

Damn that rlly sucks. But at least it seems like puberty didn’t fuck u up tht much. Ofc it’s not only about that though. It’s also never getting to grow up as a girl. Never getting supportive parents. Etc.

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dont mean to toot my own horn here but i think i look pretty good tbh

not like 10/10 but pretty solid


vanity wise i look kinda good ngl

I’m not going to vote because I have no opinion on the matter. There are bits of me I don’t like and I get really angry when people mention them.

One thing I will say is that I probably have a certain medical condition. I’m very open about it and it doesn’t bother me, but it does affect my body and mind a fair bit (I’m not going to overshare by going into what unless you’re genuinely curious, in which case DM me. I probably am oversharing just by saying that).

On an unrelated note my teeth hurt a lot.

On the whole, I wouldn’t be too concerned about appearances, but that’s just me.

This might sound weird, but I wish I was a fair bit shorter. Mom relies on me to grab a bunch of stuff, and she hasn’t thought about how she’ll get around not having me in the house to do that in a little more than half a year.

Also, ceiling fans are the devil. I’ve gotten my hand caught in my room’s fan at least three times, so now I barely ever turn it on.


The concept of ceiling fans still confuse me. Why would you even want that?

tall people, smh

i use one to dry my hair in the morning instead of a hair dryer so i don’t have to worry about the wind tangling it or anything

That works?

yea, i usually have around 30 minutes of waiting time in the morning to just sit under it so it dries pretty nicely

yes… i wish to be 7’8 and have a super long wenis!


not gonna read the whole thing but @sock why I thought you were they them

nonbinary is included in transgender, and my physical appearance goals are more binary than androgynous anyway

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send pic :nod: