Do You Have Any Cool Island Ideas?

This isn’t meant to be suggestions, just wanna see if anyone has really cool ideas for islands

An island that’s partially tilted into the water. It’d be about half the size of Whitesummit.

“Kolu Island(Struck Island)”

A couple hundred years back, one of the most powerful lightning strikes ever recorded strikes an island on the side. The energy was so powerful it made the island tilt into the water. The lightning strike killed hundreds of people, but with determination they managed to rebuild and restore some parts of their civilization.


I actually kinda like islands that are just plain bland like mango isle or elm island, would be cool if there were more forest islands, forest of cerruno is not a forest you cannot change my mind that shit is a swamp 2 different things, Im talking about like shell island or whispering forest from WOM


a single pixel of land that your ship can run into. it’s called shipwreck island.

Not really an island, but more of an idea for a sky island.

A high mountain that’s very known as a tourist and magic students for its rainbows surrounding it magic academy they have, it looks kind of like Rainbow Falls from MLP G4

Island of Obsidian

An ‘island’ created from the cooled magma of a volcano. It’s mostly a castaway spot.

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I’d also like a late game ice island like Ravenna. I dunno, I just feel like tundras are cooler than deserts.

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maybe like whitesummit in some parts and some parts frostmill? I’d love a gigantic island like that honestly

Yeah, like that! I just like how Frostmill looks. I’d prefer it to be a more “Frostmill-like” Whitesummit.

my idea is a sky island thing.

basically, off in some random direction in whatever sea its in, away from other islands, and up above where sky ships lose more energy, is a small sky island. This wouldn’t be visible on the map due to it’s height and would need to be spotted off the ground, to make it more hidden. To get up there you’d probably need some mobility moves and also piloting your skyship as high as possible, or get hit by ye ole max intensity wind mage to get up.

then near the first sky island, but higher, is another sky island

this keeps on going until you’re really, really high in the sky.

at the veeery top, are a large chunk of chests scattered about, a cool arch with stairs leading up to it and a bench looking over the world. maybe the skybox could be spacey up at the top from just how high this place would be.

I’d call this the stepping stones if it wasn’t for the stepstones existing, so maybe I can call it like “Stairway To The Stars” or something like that, since that’s what you will be able to see up there.

it’s basically just a secret, amazing spot for photos and meant to be a sorta pilgrimage to the top. It could maybe not count for whatever sea it’s in for exploration, to add to it’s hiddenness. Perhaps an npc can mention seeing a sky island away from the others, and it would probably have a badge for reaching the top

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An island only accessible by diving. It’s surface is a coral reef, but there is a massive air pocket beneath it, in which a small tribe of people live, people who are well accustomed to swimming. Entrance could look a lot like those diving caves (Like this one)

The village itself carves it homes from the rockface, giving it a unique look that stands out, much like Redwake. As well, because they live in an underwater cave, they have all sorts of strange and unnatural flora for cooking and alchemical purposes. As well, they would have an arena somewhere in the cave system to create a really unique fighting space for PVPERs:
(Something like this)


issue: the air pocket gets used up

Solution: Magic world (or natural ventilation like the caves of mexico city)

yknow, would be cool if there was like some cracks on an island near this, which some npc talks about to explain ventilation in this place

Could even have some natural threats:

(Not really I just found this picture while googling for my idea and thought it was funny)

A sky archipelago in the Nimbus Sea. Around the sky islands, it’s as dark as a cave due to the vast storm clouds eternally circling above. On top of the islands are towering, giant electrically-charged blue mushrooms. Some of them are hooked up to wires and cables, which lead into Grand Navy buildings.

The Navy has structures on top of some of the sky islands, and the buildings wind down inside the islands, structures even popping out the bottoms. There are glass domes, hanging watchtowers, blue searchlights, and even cannons and mortars protruding from underneath the sky islands. These weapons are frequently aimed and fired to snipe down criminal ships sailing beneath the archipelago. The base is powered by electric mushrooms, and the Navy has even figured out how to imbue the lightning into their cannonballs, which both boost their power and disguise them as thunderbolts.

This is the most recently-built Grand Navy base, and it was constructed in secret, so almost no criminals have discovered its existence yet. Thus, this sea area has been rumored to be a direct gateway to heaven itself, with heavenly blue pillars (searchlights) often being sighted beaming down, and “thunderbolts” only striking evil ships, divine judgment from the gods.

Among Grand Navy soldiers, this base is rumored to be ridden with corruption from higher ranks. No one wants to be stationed here, for various reasons such as the huge heights, stray electricity, a general lack of safety precautions, long and boring hours, along with the harsh expectancy to be able to aim cannons and lights in a dark area and rain shots down with precise accuracy.

Even some of the most capable, patient, and talented veterans despise the thought of being stationed at the sky archipelago. Not because they can’t do it, but because after decades of serving the Grand Navy, they find it dishonorable and cheap to snipe criminals in secret, they find the tactics all too similar to that of the Assassin Syndicate members they’ve encountered so many times.

Criminal players sailing under the sky archipelago will be fired at, and the cannons are far more accurate and powerful than Fort Talos’ artillery. Thankfully, it is a small area, and shots are very infrequent (so-called lightning bolts striking too often for the same target would be stupidly suspicious lorewise, and this would be fairer to players). If Grand Navy Influence lowers too much, clans can capture this sky base for themselves, earning the Nimbus Sea Abolitionist badge and gaining the ability to aim the sky cannons themselves, firing down at whoever they please.



Large island with rivers and canals in between for boats, much larger than ravenna in proprotion. The island will have a grand castle in the middle as well as outposts and walled cities. The island will have multiple cities or districts connecting to the larger main city which will be fortified. The area between cities will have roads and areas further from cities will have abundant vegetation and wildlife (I know this is vetex’s kryptonite).

There will be caves, hills and deep forest areas where outlaws can be found and lakes for unique fishes. Due to outlaws/criminals there will underground tunnel systems that can be used to get around unnoticed and the lower parts of the city will have huge prisons and maybe even mines and rare resources. The island will not have many vertical points as the locals have levelled out a lot of the places with magic over time in order to expand their kingdom.

Basically a large island with a fortified city that has many districts attached.

Imagine there being water and boats can dock by the sides and also leave towards the sea, also boats may even be able to enter the city walls (if the model was flat)

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oooo you want to add steampunk islands

this is me hitting those god forsaken castaway spots