Do You Have Any Cool Island Ideas?

A massive island roughly the size of Ravenna.

Tableflip Island

A few decades back, a powerful Berserker went mad from insanity and decided to destroy a Navy Base. So with his strength he managed to lift a entire chunk of sea floor and flip it hoping to destroy the Navy Base. Problem was he missed and was crushed by his own attack.

Another insanity island except in the middle of a whirlpool, instead of drowning in the whirlpool you are just always getting pulled back to insanity

Carnival Island!!!

Where you can go carnival, go play minigames, win shitty prizes and talk to the average clan member.

no wait i mean clowns

an extremely large island with the aftermath of multiple extremely powerful mages/curse users fighting would be cool, no clue how it would look though.

If this was added it should be like the dark moon fair in WoW (limited time wvent mabey once a month)

Parts burning hot, with snow next to it
Areas still covered in poison gas
And when walking it all makes the metal sound

A warzone between navy and assassin syndicate. You could kill members to increase /decrease navy influence. As the influence changes the island adapts to show if navy/syndicate is winning. If the influence reaches 80+ navy wins and takes control of the island automatically and vice versa.


Reminds me of greatfish isle from windwaker where it’s a big island that got smashed into bits from a disaster of sorts.

Having a “active” warzone as an arena island would be kinda neat.

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call it “no mans land” or i’ll kill you

ok hold up wasn’t something similar to this in aa at one point or have i gone insane

Regardless I’ll share my own idea right here:

Name: Tinkerer’s recluse.

Appearance: a large, but desolate mountain-like island that houses an open cave in the back of it. There is a small summit with a few trees which drop pinecones, and some trees lower down that grow lemons and limes.

Inside the cave, there could be a mazelike area for the puzzle in order to find the tinkerer. At the end of the maze is a decently size home of sorts housing a ship mechanic, who could straight up sell you ship parts and build blueprints, and in there there could also be a cooking pot and a magic stand you could enchant at? We need something that makes getting through the sinuous cave worthwhile, and while making said tinkerer a quartermaster could be a good idea, vet said he’s already planned out all the characters so I won’t bother.

Plus, what would they do? We can’t have a shipwright quartermaster because that would be too broken. Maybe they could build blueprints on your boat for slightly more galleons or automatically repair your ship when it’s damaged after set amounts of time?

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i would like it if there was 1 “uncapturable” base for each side
so that both sides have a foothold and the possibility to take back the island

not rlly an island but a raft town similar to sailors lodge would be cool
like a bunch of rafts sorta tied together with makeshift huts on top but its all floating and not attached to supports, and maybe a black market or some kind of neutral market like thorin’s refuge

it could also float around and change its location on the map every so often like its being pushed around by the ocean

could also be some magic related reason as to why they dont crash from tsunamis or waves, which would make them a safe spot for players to park their ships at if they dont have any other place nearby to stop

Okay, so, this idea would almost surely never be added, but…

Newground Island in the Dark Sea.
Basically, if you sail deep enough into the dark sea while above a certain level (like 300+), there’s a chance your Co-captain will call out to you, notifying you of what looks like an island in the distance. When you try and approach, magic energy sweeps up your boat, presumably knocking you out. You awaken in the sand of the island, right about where the player spawned in AA. On the island you can find a cloaked figure and a single grave right about where the shadow crazy wizard spawned.

I would bother going over who the cloaked figure is and who the grave is for, but I don’t really think it’s needed.

impossible, since you’re across the entire world location wise

Yeah, it really wouldn’t make sense. Alliteratively it can just be a fake island you hallucinate, I think Vetex did mention something about those being in the Dark Sea.

there are randomly generated islands planned but you’re not gonna outright hallucinate islands

Mirages mean they aren’t real. Plus, we already know that the dark sea can give insanity, and that in certain places, insanity can cause the player to see things. (One of the towers in Audrius Keep)