Do You Have Any Cool Island Ideas?

Ignis archipelago
a series of smaller islands that surround a massive, active volcano, it doesn’t erupt ingame, but there could possibly be a village that could be fun to explore.

Starfall island
The island was given this name due to the strange sighting of a bright light making impact with it, not much is known as many are rather not very keen to explore it in fear it may be haunted, similar to akursius.

What’s actually there is a crashed alien ship, with an alien NPC you can talk to, who might give you a quest, and maybe even a fighting style.

The Polar shards
A large cold island famous for its colossal ice pillars that jut around randomly on it, there are numerous canopy like villages that span these massive ice towers, similar to redwake, but, chilly.

Vaponeron, the land of steam
An epic steampunk city, a LOT of ideas can be put here due to the advanced technology that comes with this place, many accessories can be found here, possible new weapons involving tesla coils and steam, new fighting styles, maybe even a side boss.

Greatblade monument
A small island similar to something like limestone keep, mostly there for just filler, maybe has a criminal shipwright or a criminal town. The island is known for having a massive stone greatsword statue on top of a hill. It’s unknown who made it or how it got there.

The monolith of justice
a special island that pays tribute to WoM, this takes the form of a MASSIVE tower that’s under the control of the grand navy, it’s another HQ type place, and each layer can contain numerous things, who knows, maybe another commodre kai like NPC can be here too
(if you really don’t know, this is an easter egg to the silent tower)

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Be extremely careful with this one, for similar to akursius, it grants insanity when in the vicinity, what’s unique about it is the closer you get to the center, the largest island, you can get up to tier 3 insanity.

Known for many, many sailors going missing in this area, the place was named “deadman waters” and only those brave enough can explore it. the middle island, the epicenter of all of this, was once home to a village, however, after a pirate attack, and a curse, the island fell into the cold, bleak, lifeless ruin it now is, also the curse seemed to carve a giant skull like face onto the side of a mountain.

Massive sword fell on the island ez explanation.

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