Do you know what I love? Nature, You see where I am going with this? Let's talk about WOOD MAGIC!

earth, water, fire mages: ELEMENTAL

holy shit is that a reference to my favorite base magic in the game

the entire premise of magic is to be a chaotic force of destruction. the opposite of life. i think it’s pretty fair for the gameplay design to reflect that

ive used wood since wom came out, and its a very underrated and very strong magic imo
i love the synergy it gets w/ a ton of the other magics, since it makes being a wood mage very easy. I hope its arcanium armor buffs will be worth it (especially if it gets regen)

i dont think it rlly needs to be changed at all as its overall rlly balanced

I do think it’d be cool if it got its own unique status other than just procting bleed, imagine if wood got a kind of status that extended how long bleed lasted

Im gonna run an aether lightning scion build

Ethiron calls.

why does it look so… plastic

i mean, the shape sure is better than WoM but the material is questionable ngl

other than its cool ig

splintering, or some other wood-related name
basically what im thinking is temp drawback

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Something something magic doesn’t actually produce the real thing something something.
If you got the wood curse you’d probably be able to do what you’re talking about, but yea that’s probably never gonna happen.

Ngl I just want cobination with wood to be more effective.

Like when u use fire the parts that break off from attack burn but its never enough to acctuely cover ground and control the battlefield.

Light could make these parts bloom and make people that get close to it get entangled in the newly formed fauna slowing them.

I could probably make more ideas like this but wood cant be the only Magic having many interactions but i feel like Wood magic is lacking in that department like look at poision Plasma creating the Microwave. Wood feels very much like a catalist but it doesnt do it.

bro fell for the obvious bait :sob:
like the fishhook was out in the open dawg you still bit it

You never know these days, I expect nothing from someone :shushing_face:

it’s fine as is tbh.

like I really don’t think it needs anything cuz it’s already a solid magic (literally and figuratively).

I do want a more unique status effect for it (cough cough splintered status cough) but bleed works for it pretty well

I guess you could make it a little faster, (0.85x) instead of (0.8) though that’d be more of just a QoL change for me.

As people said before, Wood Magic needs new visuals like flowers and moss on the wood regardless of lore.

A good status effect idea would be called ‘Rooted’, in which it reduces the target’s mobility by 5% each hit and stacks up to 5 times.

Maybe the Magic Speed can go from 0.8x to 0.825x to make it better?

hope you enjoy my 3 underdeveloped ideas


smooth wood ball is canonically possible to make in ao universe more easily than barky tree log

Bro has a really long (lasting) wood (thread)

sakura wood = W

wood bad, lightning good


thing is its not bait

Yeah this is bait, why else post it in the wood magic thread.