Do you think atlanteans' sea monster parts would taste good

okay hol up if atlanteans can be served like calamari then sign me the fuck up

I LOOOVVEEE calamari, especially freshly fried.

Sailor Style users chug down Sea Water, not the polluted water of the Dark sea

While it’s definitely not the most sanitary thing to do, I think Dark Sea water would be even worse since it’s literally poisoned water. So there must be something in that water that makes it horrible to drink (on biological level maybe some evil bacteria or just a shitton of radiation)

tier 2 sailorfist better have something to do with dark sea pollution

“atlantean sway” fighting style fr

This isn’t just your average every day seawater, this is exotic seawater!

Man Idk about you but I’m really starting to feel dizzy after those “exotic Dark sea brownies”

If they eat each other they sure are edible

Perfect Gilded Unholy Atleantean Platter
Immaculate Meal
Worth 7,493,964
A large serving of Golden Atlantean heads and limbs, resulting in a devilishly filling meal. It can be eaten to restore some hunger. It was cooked in a legendary cooking pot, increasing its flavor and quality to the maximum level.

Cooked by AmpNArson

Recovery X 99h 30m
Invigorating IX 48h 40m
Energising VIII 29h 58m
Agile VII 70h 34m
Limit Break! More Effect slots unlocked!
Fortified VII 60h 20m
Insanity VI 46h 48m

Hunger Restored: 666666

And then it only sells for like 19 galleons

Wtf is that insanity though :sob:

10 Seconds To Kill Them All, Player.

anyways being that one atlantean guy i feel like i should say something

no. spit that atlantean out. i dont think any amount of spices could salvage the disgrace to nature that is mutated meat

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It looks like anglerfish and squid, Mirage.
We’re going to put it inside a Golden Cooking Pot, Mirage.
You’re getting the first serving, Mira

It tastes amazing and you’re just blind to the genius that is cooked Atlantean!

I mean their blood is probably acid cause of all the dark sea rain they bathe in and probably drink too

Now you’re just not thinking with the right mindset, we managed to make pufferfish eatable, we’ll be able to make atlanteans eatable as well.

Wouldnt an atlantean just taste like a rotting fish mixed with dirt, mud and salty rain


Yeah, and?

The anglerfish… WOULD BE THE TASTIEST COOKED… The higher tiered Atlantean would also taste better!

Not if you clean it first, like any reasonable chef would do with its ingredients

Legendary Beast Atlantean Platter