Do you think atlanteans' sea monster parts would taste good

So just rotten fish

Yus, Martin would be a thanksgiving feast condensed into a singularity!

We have magic, a bit of rotten in our food ain’t gonna do nothing with the right cooking method

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Do you think some of the Atlantean weapons are edible too? Like the crab cutlass and the urchin mace.

Well, just remove the weapon parts and then you simply have the fishes in your hands, so yes

How are you gonna eat a sworfish’s skeleton

We BITE into it, of course!

If Hyenas can do it, I can find a way

i feel the slightest bit threatened rn

It’s Time To Eat, Mirage. Your Glided Atlantean Sludge Hoagie Is Waiting.


Crack open the urchin mace and you’ll have a fresh meal

i’m chinese

you’re not right but you’re not wrong

Eat now!
It’s good for you (maybe)

mirage and a nice bowl of unholy fish spaghetti with a small pinch of radiation poisoning

Don’t Waste Food, Mirage. :smiley:

Eat your food or you don’t get any dessert (It also has Atlantean in it)

too late

Full of magic energy :money_mouth_face:

:face_in_clouds: Shouldn’t Have Dropped The Bowl.