Do you think its a fair trade? , I think not. ( will not accept anyways

Seasonals have value because people think they have value, like diamonds, in a solo game, seasonals would be worthless, since they are useless, it’s because people think that they are valuable that there is a demand, making them actually valuable

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This man! This man gets it!

So what you’re telling me here is that if I find the right person I could trade a random item I couldn’t care less about for 3 brigs?

Knew gathering and holding onto these things was worthwhile.

precisely, halloweds price varies 50k - 60k

seasonals, especially halloweds are worth so much mainly because of their scarcity and also because of that, their value will never lower unlike sunkens which although rare, are still obtainable

halloweds aren’t any rarer, their reason for higher value is non existent except for the fact that new gens are idiots

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Jesus fucking christ, I already got the message, calm the fuck down

To be fair, the vast majority of halloween seasonals are carried by just a few players on just a few files, the people who played the halloween event are vastly outnumbered by the people that didn’t.

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Agree ,Its very cool to have all sasonals , but honestly , its just cosmetic , but of course i will not give to no one

also true but hallowed has no reason to carry significant value over any other seasonal

why doesn’t it?
no way you’re about to tell me the eggs that everybody got during the easter event are at the same value as the event items that only a handful of players still playing the game have.

that just ain’t the case.

pretty sure its just because people prefer hallowed over most of the other seasonals tbh

no literally nobody uses hallowed, its such an ugly seasonal. most used seasonals are death crown and skull chain

you take that back you bastard

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Because Hallowed aren’t rarer than any other Halloween seasonal, while any Halloween Seasonal is WAY rarer then Easter Eggs, you argument and example is just non factual

what on EARTH are you saying?

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a specific wood carving design that you’ve made would have a ton of value by this logic, there’s like nothing like it! You’ll be rich in 20 seconds!

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What is that comparison?
That’s stupid.


they’re both of equal actual value and scarcity, only difference is that one is much more popular

That’s exactly why your comparison is stupid.