Do you think there will ever be a country based off of India?

We know that Vetex plans to make kingdoms based off of real-life cultures. Ravenna is based off the Roman Empire. Sameria is based off Egypt, Arabia, and a little bit of India. Do you think that we’ll EVER get a kingdom that is mostly based off of ancient India?

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  • No
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no bec he next is japan and vikings

We have five more seas though.

four actually

There will only be six seas?



tbh, probably not. And honestly, though he says sameria is based of a little bit of India too, I don’t really see any similarities

you could say the palace looks vaguely indian

that’s more middle eastern or turkish kinda architecture

the palace looks more like a mosque tbh, the architecture of the roof and such makes it more Arabic than Indian

A wild Aditya appears.
Personally I don’t think Vet will add a kingdom like that just because it’ll clash with some aspects of Sameria’s design.

Sameria’s design is based off of Middle Eastern and Arabic design, the only thing that I can come up with off the top of my head that is in India that looks like the Sun Palace in Caitara is the Taj Mahal. And don’t forget, the Taj Mahal was made during the Mughal Empire’s reign over India, which was a Muslim empire. India’s style of architecture is a lot different, not to mention all the NPCs have mostly Arabic names. I also thought of this question because my name, Aditya, is on the list of names that Vetex added, and Aditya is a Sanskrit name so it just piques my curiosity.


am imagine it gonna be like a minor culture that is protected by big kingdom like Shell island (Polynesia) to Ravenna

There’s two unnamed Kingdoms so maybe there’s a small chance

I would love to see a Chinese Kingdom too

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We’re already getting a Japanese kingdom so I doubt it.

there are 10 kingdoms that we’re gonna be visiting.

we know:

  • Ravenna
  • Sameria
  • Skyhall
  • Ryujin Dynasty
  • Corsair Country (I think???)

There are still kingdom names we dont know, it’s definitely possible

we know:

  • Ravenna
  • Sameria
  • Skyhall
  • Ryujin Dynasty
  • Corsair Country (prob not)
  • thorne empire
  • azura province
  • keraxe
  • eden empire maybe???

There is a Japanese kingdom called the Ryujin Dynasty mentioned in the description of the Samurai items.

I don’t think he will since sameria supposedly has indian influence on it’s design but plssssss