well neither can that happen in EBG, players can collaborate to target the overpowered player to neutralize him
Ruin with the current balancing? Certainly, every slow magic would be actual garbage the way it is right now and every fast magic would be wayyyyy too good.
Having meaningful mobility moves would require a complete rework of most magics, NPC AI, and alot of things, actually.
I say it’d be worth the wait to have better combat.
I don’t see issues with mobility. There’s plenty of options for players with slower magics such as beams and placed explosions. If they have trouble with aiming they can always get more magic size too. Each magic should have their flaws and slow magics are part of them. This would benefit everyone since people would be able to zone or rush in faster.
difficulty to hit someone isn’t the problem with immobilization, it’s the lack of control you have over yourself during combat