The shockwave has like, 8 particles total how is metal specifically lagging you
The shockwave has like, 8 particles total how is metal specifically lagging you
Not if you increase it’s size, there is a chance to lag. Because at this point I don’t know how to increase my framerates even when I decide to use third party apps (Bloxstrap)
This topic is quite funny to me as non PVP player because like- why don’t you simply find someone that desires to pvp with you?
Yes, people very much outplaying you by running away from you can be annoying- but again, if you expect someone to play fair after jumping them while they were just vibing, that is a you problem.
the ganker watching as I apply insanity 5 and harming 5 gel after he attacks me:
that’s what pvpers do actually
99% of people who rk and gank are just closeted pvers who can’t do shit against someone who actually pvps so they resort to ganking newbies
case in point i almost never lose whenever some idiot jumps me in world pvp but i’m not anything special compared to most pvpers who dwell in elysium
that’s actually so funny
“mom dad… I… don’t like pvp…”
One. Why are you hunting when renown is exploited
Two. Running is getting nerfed
Three. You could’ve used an agility pot ngl
Running is the primal instinct of men when they sense inevitable death coming after them and is the best choice in many cases if it wasnt for running our ancestors would give their life between the jaws of a sabre tooth tiger.
I run , you run , we all run
Running is sacred
you expect someone to play fair after jumping them
this is true asf
if its not organized pvp then you cant expect someone to not just use absolutely everything they have to win
if someone gets jumped, their strategy to win being running around and throwing insanity potions is just as valid as treating the fight like an organized 1v1. its the fault of the initial attacker/hunter for thinking otherwise
“mue he he im jumping this kid”
only for specific classes like mages, paladins, gun warriors, gun knights and other ranged builds
I use 540 agility and agil 5 pot so yeah
You can get more with the Dromeas set now