Does your OC die

mine randomly suffered from a heart attack during his trip across the darksea

My character dies at Munera Garden after being defeated by Chromalux’s descendant, her last words are: IRON ### ####

its not looking good for tobin, not gonna lie

oh yeah i can confirm this is accurate and mr ‘‘god’’ did not want to give him a second chance

Most of my OCs are mortal, a few are already dead at the start (both literally and metaphorically), and some were never biologically alive to begin with :man_shrugging:

Pretty sure I already put this in my worldbuilding topic but my main OC got a pretty interesting death message.
Akos Frost Was proliferated through spacetime via Dulzura Winter’s God Weapon

Fs in the chat guys.

Here’s the fate of all major characters in the Rift universe btw.

lmao u rerember

all my ocs ceases to exist at some point in time after some specific event happens i dont know

Well, since I am trying to keep canon with original AO’s storyline, I guess my warrior file - Charan “Cutlass” will live forever after the end of game’s storyline to keep peace in The War Seas, eventually settling in the Maya’s empire (not sure if I spelled her name right, she had a quest in Sailor’s Lodge).

Or as an alternative, he may become insane just like Rupin did, because he is dangerously insane forever (cuz I am using atlantean sunken set, which as far as I know will be upgradeable up to 1000 lvl, unless something cooler will get added).

Only death I accept is explosion bigger than Durza kamikadze attack

Bro, your OC and planet itself will die together at this case…

He is explosion mage so…

death by swimming with the fishies (great whites)

Meanwhile my OC:

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At least one my OC dies from magically natural causes

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Margaret…cough coughMegan’s body was once in near-death state after escaping Order of Aesir, so you can count it “death”
But i think someone will one day will defeat her as she went on magicless-people genocide, or she will just live out her 1000 years writting books and progressing magic mastery

It responses to physical trauma.
You can’t hurt me !

– Probably a warden

It shields my body in response to physical trauma.
You can’t hurt me, Savant.


(Complete sentence)

Simon Fallenfire embarks his last expedition to the dark sea after the story. Presumably dead, now an atlantean, or has found the island he was looking for.

Rumor spread that he will come back, but that is a stretch. Right?