Randomness's Worldbuilding Shenanigans

I’ve been using Chat GPT to try and narrow down if my writing makes literal sense, yet no matter how many times I ask it, it never understands this scene at all - I’ll let you read it and try and work out what’s happening to see if the AI is just really bad at more fast paced scenes like this or if I’m a bad writer:

The stars in the night sky shone like sparks of energy buzzing; Akos Frost was walking down a silent street in the Fifth District. A hooded figure was walking down the street towards them, their strides short. Akos could hear their uneven breathing, an irregular and panicked pattern. The silver gleam of a knife in their hands, reaching for their victim. Akos blinked.

A crack echoed through the streets of the Fifth District. The assailant was unconscious on the ground, their knife melted and deformed into a twisted and contorted shape. Near where their head was mere seconds ago was a bullet of a silver/blue colour. It was frozen in the air as if all motivation for its movement had disappeared. Hovering - unnaturally still, no gravity or other forces could move it from its position.
Akos sighed and grabbed the bullet from midair, pocketing it. The twisted knife of the assailant turned into a heap of dust on the ground.
He turned towards where the bullet had come from and glared at where Iridia’s soldiers would be hiding in the shadows up above.

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@ImaLettuce what do you thinks happening there, I just need to check how people understand it.

Assassin approaches akos
Akos sees the threat

He uses freeze (?) magic to essentially freeze his head, a bullet he fired, and warp his knife

Ahh… yeah I need to make it clearer, also context really helps.
Below is the actual events

This was sent in the anomaly universe. Akos has manipulation over energy being a Glitch category anomaly.

  • Five things happen all at once -
    Assailant draws a knife
  • I.C.E agents on the rooftops fire a bullet at assailant.
  • Akos removes energy from the bullet, freezing it, to save the assailant as an act of defiance against I.C.E
  • Akos knocks opponent unconscious because why not.
  • The assailant’s knife is twisted and contorted by the energy redirected from the bullet.

I see now.

The End
So yeah both universes end at some point. I might never write them that far so here are the happy and not happy endings for every character:
Spoilers for both universes.

Akos - Dead - CoD: Sacrificed by the God Weapon to eliminate Randomness.
Dulzura - Alive - Living happily with Akiro and Rune.
Icarus - Dead - CoD: Died due to dissolving by Death.
Takeshi - Lives as an Elite Peacekeeper in Grandia.
Felix - Dead - CoD: Murdered by Duke Harmonus Elin.
Rune - Alive - Living happily with Dulzura and Akiro
Akiro - Alive - Living happily with Dulzura and Rune
Lumi - Alive - Began a school for the Tempestas Gladius technique.
Ledus - Alive - Leading the Impexis into greatness after the death of Akos.
The next ruler of the nation is Queen Carina Frost’s cousin.
Randomness - Dead - CoD: Detonation of the God Weapon by Dulzura Winters.
Bead - Dead - CoD: Executed by Icarus Fallenfire soon after meeting Akos.
Zane - Dead - CoD: Executed by Icarus Fallenfire. Still exists as the conceptual Buffer of Death.
Iri - Dead - CoD: 999.


Damn, @Randomness dies :frpensive:

Randomness when Dulzura recreates the God Weapon and stabs his best friend with it:

Dead topic

Get necrobumped L + ratio

The end (Part two)
Forgor to do the second half.

Akos (Anomaly) - Alive. Became an author.
Riku - Alive - Adopted two Anomaly children and is living happily. Also semi-adopted Akos as a brother. Poor Akos
Spirio Frost - Alive - Location unknown.
Alfred Watson - Alive - Leading I.C.E as a rebellion within the government seems likely. Would side with the people if it came to pass.
Iridia Stone - Alive - Second in command to Alfred.
East Verräter - Dead - CoD: In battle against the twelfth member of the ABYSS Council, Void, and Alfred Watson.
Mystery - Dead - CoD: Failed assassination of Riku Takatoki
Starfall - Dead - CoD: Killed by Iridia Stone as revenge
Estimate - Dead - CoD: Killed by Riku Takatoki as an act of mercy.
Silence - Dead - CoD: Killed by Alfred Watson after their location was discovered by a Sky member.
Void - Dead - CoD: Eliminated in the destruction of the Second Eternally Locked door and Division 6.
Godlike - Dead - CoD: Sacrificed themselves to stop I.C.E finding Reaper.
Reaper - Dead - CoD: Killed by Riku Takatoki during a partially failed trap set up by I.C.E
Chrono - Dead - CoD: Killed by Akos Frost after aforementioned main character found out they could manipulate time via extreme large scale energy manipulation.
Mayhem - Dead - CoD: Accidental suicide when trying to destroy a city. Buildings are heavy - yes he was aware, and yes he was more intending for the huge concrete blocks to fall on the protagonists, but mistakes happen don’t they?
Forgotten - Dead - CoD: Abandoned ABYSS and died fighting Akos and Riku before the remaining council members could take them out.
Woofles - Alive - Location Unknown, Escaped after Forgotten’s death. ERROR. LARGE SCALE HELLHOUND ON THE LOOSE. If anyone knows the location of the seven foot tall beast, please report it to government animal control for dangerously energy affected non human creatures.
Influx - Dead - CoD: Destroyed when Riku ripped apart space via dark energy.
Eternal - Dead - CoD: Nobody lives forever. Killed by Akos almost tearing himself apart once again stopping time.

Are you putting this somewhere else that on the forums?

This is basically where I dump all my ideas before putting stuff on my trello.

And there’s a link to your trello?

No I keep it private

(complete sentence)

“Honey! There’s someone in the wreck.”
A well dressed, tall man with black hair was running towards a pile of wood, metal and other assorted scraps sitting on the edge of the beach.
“Someone? Are they unconscious? Why hasn’t anyone seen them? I thought there was a whole…”

The man knelt down and scooped up a small bundle of fabric up.
Curled inside was a baby, no bigger than a forearm’s length, with small black pearls for eyes, and bundles of flesh for hands, which reached up in a crude waving fashion.

"Oh, look at them. Their parents must be near… we should ask the lifeguards if there’s anyone missing a child… "
A woman with a concerned look on her face held the arm of her husband, looking gently at the bundle, which between its swinging arms, clutched a scrap of paper - a picture which showed three people, a man, a woman, and the small baby held in her arms. The image was blurred with seawater but it was obvious that the trio was standing on a ship, with the ocean in the background behind a rusted iron rail. Inked in a pen, which seemingly avoided contact with the saltwater, as it clearly read the words “Our Riku.”

“Mrs Takatoki, Please understand that the young Frost isn’t the sort of person your child should be affiliated with… We don’t recommend for anyone under the age of 14 to be in contact with an Anomaly.”
An exasperated teacher was talking to the wife of the tall man.
“Riku is only three, and Akos is a good hearted young boy, intelligent as well. You don’t meet many six year olds with the mentality of an adult.” She laughed.
“Yes yes, I understand what you mean Miss… However who my son can talk to is none of your business.”

Screams. Flames. A crash.

Riku was running through the smoke, away from the apartment structure which he called home.
The flames leapt up the building within minutes, and the people on the lower floors were evacuating in hordes.
The young Takatoki crossed his fingers, hoping to see the family who took him as their own.
His mother, his father, his sister.
They were on the twenty seventh floor, high above where the fire had started, already within the inferno as it climbed in haste.

An ear splitting crack was heard, and the whole building fell in on itself, debris collapsing onto the street below, where many of the evacuees were still standing.

A plume of dust fell around him along with wreckage, scraps of brick pelting him in the blinding darkness.

To be continued.

Riku turned his head, three boys older than him, taller than him, bigger than him, were walking in his direction.
“Get out of here Takatoki, you know you aren’t welcome.”

Riku shook his head.

Another boy spoke “Anomaly.”

The trio cast a shadow on him, hiding him from the adults who rushed around - always busy, no time to care.
“I’m not an anomaly.”

The boys laughed, “Yes you are, you’re always too intelligent for your own good.”
One of them pushed Riku away into a wall.
"Always just staring. With those eyes of yours, pure black. You never look the same for more than a week - your body is always shifting about like some witch! And that kid you hang out with, Akos, our age… he’s one too. "

A fist came towards Riku, but it phased through his skin like air.

The orphanage he called home. Riku looked upon it in agony.
Casted in a black smoke, constrained by tentacles of darkness.

A looming figure was rushing through the tight halls of the building, bodies fell upon bodies and blood fell upon blood.

A massacre of everyone who called it their own: Children, Adults, the innocent and the guilty, with their bones mixed as one.

The shade cast within the smoke converged as a well built figure, arms muscled and large, face with a pallor and greyness about their eyes. They spoke with a quiet voice, still as commanding as ever.
“You are the Error, am I right? Come with me young one. Come with me and you’ll finally be free of burdens.”

Riku, too scared to speak, shook his head.
“Oh, no no no. Don’t worry. You’ll be welcomed among our ranks. Hailed as a hero.”

The young anomaly turned an ran, the large figure shaking their head in silence behind. “Oh dear, I suppose… We should try again another time.”

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Def not making AI create cryptic images for me, -. — -. — -. —