Dont pay attention to this its dead

aight is it gonna be on the forums or do i have to give you my info so we can do it in an aol chat


10 chars

alright. poggers. gamer.

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pogchamps gampog


imagine if a roleplay from the forums got acted out in the actual game… that’d be weird

that would be scary tbh

“I fire off a 20 blast at you, hitting every shot”
the other person: :fr:

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“I use rising tide with my strong sunken sword”

“I use the mega insta death ray”
(hey can you reset please its for my rp noob)

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“I use Ultimate Art: Boss Beam”

____ Was Defeated By Arena Boss

oh btw jsyk if i fuck up in the rp let me know so i can fix my message n stuffs

no worries broski

now invite fish to the rp or else i neck you and conquer roselight for myself gg ez

@fish do funny rp

Random question: first person or third person?

i’d assume preferred.

preferred; i do most of my rps in third person but its u p to you

alrighty then third person it is

what happened to “ew roleplay” puck

i changed my mind. my rper is showing.