Don't reset infamy

Don't reset infamy
effort 2.428571428571428 7 quality 3.285714285714286 7 reasonability 4.0 7

Don’t know I don’t mind if data is reset, would be really weird playing through the start of AO at level 90.

damn, this is a big DNC from me so I’m not going to give a rating.

that i do agree with and i barely count levels as player data although infamy is way more personal and difficult to get with many variables.
infamy isnt really like levels

Aight fuck it. Let’s reset items, game passes. Trophies and everything else because why not? /s

Yes I am sarcastic

pro tip: using /s at the end of a message shows that it is sarcasm
example: youre bad /s

If you “dnc” then why the essay typing?

yeah this is actually a huge survival tip for exploring the internet
you never know who can take your joking comment seriously

assuming that i’m taking long to type because i’m writing an essay and not because i’m just shit at typing…


“Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won’t mistake for the real thing.”

In other words, No matter how bizzare, outrageous, or just plain idiotic a parody of a Fundamentalist may seem, there will always be someone who cannot tell that it is a parody, having seen similar REAL ideas from real religious/political Fundamentalists.

  • Poes law

“dont reset infamy pls its my hard work going to waste” said the top leaderboard guilds

this law is one of the most accurate laws of the internet i’ve heard of to date.
two words: evolution deniers.

don’t even try to communicate with them; it’s like repeatedly smashing your head against a brick wall. i made the mistake once, i left with a pounding headache. flat earthers are of the same ilk.

yeah because they put in the most work?



Ight like I said I don’t care about an infamy reset but the way you said this makes it seem as if you got your own guild and yes I am going to assume you’re in a guild and probably at 200 or below which if infamy resets you can be like meh I’ll just gain that back in a week where as all leaderboard guilds have 1k+ which is basically them having to waste time killing people all over again to get back where they were before because I’ll be honest only thing an infamy reset would do is knock off Black Bulls, possibly Spearbreak and Silverthorn, lower Acquires rank and then add Creed, Mirgae if they don’t merge with Creed, Maybe Noble to the leaderboard if they play again

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