📈 DoubleRun’s Rare Market

Any but preferred swift

What items do you currently have

Oh a hell load of common items

Rare items I mean

Hmm other than the exiled stuff,
Nothing, Just some enchanted stuff

Lemme find a mino real quick

Can you list them?

bruh i mean rare items

Thats the problem
I got none

Killing those damn minos gives me nothing
except crowns ofcourse

Highest bid for Strong Oathkeeper has been updated

Will this work?
Exiled chest + mino armor +destructive exiled leggings + 2400 crowns
For the oathkeeper not the sunken sword

Highest bid has been updated

Of which item?

Keep in mind, I update my stock list at the end of every day. Feel free to trade some items!

Updated the stock list for today. I definitely got the biggest profits today.

Hard Sunken Sword has been sold for:

Strong oath keeper
Hard vastira
Swift vastira
Exiled helm
3 Exiled leggings
Sunken helm
Exiled chest piece
2x mino chest piece
Keen exiled helmet
keen exiled chestpiece
nimble exiled helmet
nimble exiled chestpiece

Thanks for bidding!

what the hell

OMG,Time to start fishing now.

Kk good luck! Lol