Dragons Confirmed

Dragons have been confirmed for Arcane Odyssey let’s talk about it

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have you considered that this can be some other large creature


Could be typhon?
And was there not a dragon skull in wom aswell?

Now i look at it u right bc it has no wings

Plenty of mythical dragons don’t have wings

I mean dragon as a term is kinda a catch all anyway

Whatever the hell it is, its bigger then white eyes, and this doesn’t even seem like a fully intact skeleton,

Raises the question if this started existing before or after the dark C

Assuming this is the “Drako’s arch” island and that looks a lot like a typical dragon skull, I’m inclined to believe that it is a dragon

Greek myth stuff existed before the dark sea so I would assume this creature did too but it’s possible it came about within the last 1000 years since the dark sea’s creation too.

I doubt we’ll get any active npc dragons that you can fight since that would be a nightmare to make and I’ve heard from others that Vetex said non-humanoid enemies(with the exception of sea monsters I guess) aren’t something he wants to make. However, if we are super duper lucky there might be one that just sits around and chills not really doing anything, if we’re even luckier it’ll be one we can talk to.

Of course that’s granting that there is even one left alive at this point. I am curious what killed this one and why the rest of the dragons aren’t around anymore either. It’s stated in the lore doc that sightings of creatures from greek mythology were rare even before Prometheus came down to give out magic so maybe there just weren’t that many around in the first place, or they were just really good at hiding, in which case something must’ve killed all of them off then. Instinct’s say Durza’s explosion but I’d be interested if it was something else.




Grilled dragon with a side of stuffed Atlantean

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= yum!

It’s drakos arch it would be weird if it wasn’t a dragon

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I wonder if this will be explained in the story and what relevance it has.,., are there still dragons alive or are they all gone? i really hope we get to see more regarding this stuff,…, it looks so cool,.,.!!!

this is my new favourite island, i don’t care if it’s inhabited by racists or something diabolical like that, i will protect it with my life


no wing

the place was named by humans, who arent omniscient

then again yeah its probabky a dragon of some sort

watch it be another mutated shark

As much as I want dragons to be real, this might be subnautica leviathan type beat.

Also I gander an earth curse user impaled the beast and made this.