you should definetely keep stroking


My Pencil

For stokes, try and use your entire arm or elbow for the movement. Such tends to produce more even lines than with just your wrists.

I’ll try to do that when I draw again thanks for tip.

im stroking something nice and longgg :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

it gets worse

All of you are so downbad

But anyways I dropped 2 art pieces in a day

Art Practice Day 34, Part 2

I drew more female body proportions using the new hand technique with strokes, imo I liked the scratchiness of my old style better but I’ll get used to the new one eventually I guess.

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Yeah, I’ve felt like that too. I kinda now alternate between the two, where some stuff is clean and others are scratchy.

Also, pure, clean and thin linework is REALLY hard to color underneath…

Art Practice Day 35

Drawing these bodies made me realize that I have a natural aptitude for drawing male bodies (My female one’s are improving too).

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Art Practice Day 36

Drew a sandwich and a cigar because I had nothing else to draw.

Can’t wait for the ruler to come.



Art Practice Day 37

I drew another OC

Yes the sword is the OC. It’s a conscious Arcanium/Spirit sword with Holy Fire Magic (Magic I made up. Has contents of holy fire, holy wood, holy lightning, and holy water, it smites everything the user sees as evil). It can also influence and make people stronger through its words (Imagine Survivor from JoJo but more insane).

It also possesses people like a parasite and makes them go on holy excursions wiping out towns for the Blood God Lias’ rituals. Nobody ever finds the culprit (cuz the culprit is a literal object).

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holy hell

I have realized that instead of waiting for a ruler to come I can just use my copy of Chainsaw Man Volume 1 to draw straight lines instead. I love being a smart person like myself and I’m so humble.

Art Practice Day 38

I drew perspective using the Chainsaw Man Book and I just drew some circles but I messed up the one on the right so I just turned it into a Minecraft chicken.

This is light work. All I have to do is just point lines at a circle (although I might get humbled when I do multiple point perspective drawing)


Gonna have to dial up the SCP foundation to contain this one :rotating_light:

off-topic from my art but Dizzy is coming to Guilty Gear Strive which means I can finally play my old main.

(Also I meant left box instead of right in the last image.)

Art Practice Day 39

I did 2 point perspective and that was ez too (like ganking your average AO clan member, truly the ez pickings of PvPers). It was actually easier than 1 point perspective. Guess I really am a diamond in the rough waiting to be polished.


Art Practice Day 40

I tried to draw a pyramid using 2 point perspective and it came out looking weird

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