Drop your OC statuses

Made an account just for this- but here goes, apologies for anything wrong, I just love this AU so frickin much-

Name - Hermes Clay, The (Mildly Unstable) Alchemist

Water conjurer, 150 magic.

Status - Alive, healthy, mildly miffed

Insanity - 0

Whereabouts - Dark Sea borders near Talos —> Dark Sea —> Back

Hermes was an alchemist of… reasonable competency before and during the invasion, having traded all common sense and spatial awareness for potion brewing abilities and some level of murder capabilities. Prior to the invasion, he was sailing in the Dark Sea - range 0-1 - with a speed-dedicated brig badly camouflaged to blend in with the murky atmosphere, collecting ingredients for his next pipe bomb- I mean potions. Due to his frequent and extensive trips into the Dark Sea, Hermes procured himself a set of warding clothing with agility enchants and an unreasonable amount of golden petals.

When the invasion first started, Hermes was on an island in Insanity 0 - cleared of Atlanteans, with reasonable amounts of potion ingredients to keep him occupied through the worst of the initial invasion, with Atlanteans being drawn to the War Seas and its masses of occupants and not the dumbass blowing himself up on a cliff. By the time food ran thin and his deckhands - huddling around a single Theurgist cape he found in a chest 2 months ago - shouts at him to go back, the initial week was over. By the time he returned to the Bronze Sea, the surviving game begins.

“WHEN AM I GOING TO GET OUT OF INSANITY 0???” Hermes, unaware of everything that had been happening, thought. Fortunately, immediately after that statement, he returned to the heavily polluted, swarming-with-Atlantean Bronze Sea! Unfortunately, immediately after that statement, he returned to the heavily polluted, swarming-with-Atlantean Bronze Sea. A single spear flew towards his head, embedded itself onto the hull mast right above the organ, and Hermes had the one fleeting thought that God fucked up before ducking the second spear flying towards his head, which creates another hole on his dying ship structure.

Long story short, speed brig. Hermes drifted between Limestone Key, Whispering Cavern and Palo Town’s orchards, Wind-row’s foundation caves (Those things on the rock beneath the actual island) and under water structures, getting seaweeds and jade pearls and narrowly avoiding Atlanteans, missing Tilly’s trap via the power of “Fuck Hades the wind is calling for help again.” Had a thought to swung by the fortress being built in Harvest, ignored the thoughts, did it anyway and traded some of his finer potions for pumpkin and apples. By the time the month was over, stocked up on invisible potions and water breathing, coated his alarmingly dying boat in invisibility, fucked right back to the Dark Seas.

(His crew may have died. One, two, five. He shouldn’t care, couldn’t care, the perpetual fatality urgent enough to penetrate the fog clouding his inept brain. But there are graves for them, scattered in the seas, and a single Theurgist cape still hung in his cabin, tattered, untouched. He doesn’t talk much, now, less than before, and had sanity arts long dead said otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to talk at all.

The Atlanteans - The ones that tried to kill him and failed but dared babble as they swiped sharp claws inches away from fragile flesh - they can’t talk, forms mutated, throat distended into horrifical tubes. He wondered, as he killed one and ran from the rest, if he had known them - the person - before this entire mess. Had he talked to them?

It shouldn’t matter. Why does it matter? If his crew (his friends, they were, friends and family strung up with foam in this dying world, appeared like a miracle and gone as quick as the notions of one) had mutated, had he allowed them to, into twisted frames and a mind no longer theirs, would he feel better, right now? Would they recognize him, still, and he can keep them chained in the fish tank, devoid of dignity? Or was, perhaps, killing them the better option?)

Hermes now spend his time between Dark Sea islands and the Harvest Coalition, avoiding Atlantean swarms purely because he is so densely covered in Dark Sea energy - exposure held back purely by Warding and a dream - a tattered ship stocked with golden petals sealed as to not alert the hoard with their energy and dark sea shards, something odd about their structure, the way something swirls in shattered black, thorn flowers to make into vials and gels, Saint Lily’s flower for healing. These trips between are growing less and less, however, and people says the mad alchemist are slowly succumbing to infections, at last, and should they put him down now, as an act of mercy, in self preservation? For his dignity, for their safety? What, after their leaders disappeared, gone without a trace in the dead of night?

The last trip made had Hermes stock piling food for a gigantean amount of potions, had him wide-eyed and manic with pale, clammy skin and paler eyes, wide in some form of recognition, of insanity. And with that, he sailed off, to hell, to salvation, to stop this plague, maybe, for fame or glory or vengeance, to satiate some inane curiosity. To certain death.


Who knows?

Tl;dr - Bro avoided the initial and worst invasion by the virtue of right place right time. Sailed around the Bronze Sea for 1-2 weeks, scavenging some food, before fucking right off to the Dark Sea again, because then his innate magic blends with the pollution to camouflage him, and exposure, along with not being bad at i0, is somewhat stopped by copious amounts of warding. His crew died during some invasion, and the lack of human interaction was driving him a lil unstable in the dark sea. He traded with the Harvest Coalition while stewing in his misery alone, and after a while of this decided, in mania and loneliness and just… mad-scientist esque curiosity, to dive deeper into the dark sea to find… something, anything, to further a research on black shards (Someone’s AU had the Sailor Lodge dude having a magic sucking black diamond, and black shards are in my opinion just mini versions of those). Will he find anything? Meet anyone? That is a good question we shall find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z-

Apologies for any and all OP-ness. A lot of this is my brain stringing together stuff and vomiting it out on paper, and apologies for any mistake as well.


Yep sounds about right
The arcane lobotomy

Hm. I’d have a set of 5 OCs then, my main file and 4 Deckhands.

Maple Roving, or ‘Captain Roving’ as they insist on being called as, is a fanatic for whaling and culling sea monsters. They’re a Thermofist Berserker who picked up Cannonfist for ranged engagements, which immediately shot up due to how dangerous Atlanteans can be should they bite you.
His 4 Deckhands; Roy, Francis, Rasmussen, and Bailey sailed with him on voyages to slay White Eyes and other creatures, but the sudden surge of Atlanteans prompted the group to split up, as going absent from each other’s lives was much better than seeing them slowly die after an unfortunate accident.

Maple Roving, Captain of the Heart
Status: Deceased
Insanity Level: 80% (Before death.)
Whereabouts: Last seen fighting Atlanteans near the Pelion Rift.

Captain Roving chose to sail the seas looking for fights, particularly with Atlanteans. His experience in the Dark Sea granted him a good idea on what to expect while clashing with Atlanteans, using his martial arts to bombard Atlanteans (and the occasional bandit) with searing hot projectiles and cannonballs. However… he fought constantly, thinking that the sheer amount of Atlanteans was finite, eventually died of exhaustion after tearing apart an Atlantean Frigate, only hoping his trusted deckhands were still alive.

Roy, First Mate of the Heart
Status: Alive
Insanity Level: 80%
Whereabouts: Blasted Rock

Roy, was first mate of the Heart who tried to travel to the Nimbus Sea, however seeing the sheer amount of Atlantean Ships nearby Mount whatyoucallit, Roy eventually settled with living in one of the caves of Blasted Rock, not knowing if she was safe; or if something noxious was waiting to kill her in their sleep. She opted to isolate herself and keep her presence a secret, resulting in her gaining little attention… and at the same time, little help.

Rasmussen, Second Mate of the Heart
Status: Infected, Mutated Atlantean
Insanity Level: 0%
Whereabouts: Palo Town

Rasmussen was a Warrior, equipped to the head with bulky armor and equally deadly weaponry. His original plan was to sail back to his homeland; but because his Captain took the main ship; the crew’s Brig, he realized that his Reinforced Caravel wouldn’t be able to go far without being destroyed by the Atlantean Warships.
Seeing how he had no place to go, Rasmussen wished to have a ‘real death’, as he’d call it, and sailed towards Palo Town in order to fulfill that. After deliberately getting the attention of the Mutated Dennis Harvey, who barraged his caravel with cannonballs, Rasmussen leapt onto the docks of Palo Town, gripping his iron greataxe with one hand, and his iron mace with the other, and charged towards the mob of mutants…
He fought well, but someone fighting expecting to die was bound to get his wish. He lay injured in an abandoned house after he took a brutal strike by an Iron leg Atlantean, who left him there to mutate. Nowadays, he’s now a fully mutated Atlantean, still standing in that exact spot where he was bested at, waiting for the challenger who will one day take Palo Town back from the beasts, and in turn, slay the husk of the warrior Rasmussen once was.

Bailey, The Paragon
Status: Alive
Insanity Level: 100%
Whereabouts: Travelling to Jotenheim, a Keraxe City

Bailey was one of the lesser deckhands of the Heart, alongside her now missing sister; Francis. Bailey was torn after Maple suggested they all split up, but they all decided and went their ways… yet, Bailey didn’t exit their fellowship emptyhanded, carrying along three virtuous scrolls as she left.
After an… altercation with her sister, Bailey was forced to leave her behind. With the words ‘I want to live’ ringing inside her mind; Bailey recalled a vague memory… of how the Captain once took an Atlantean’s shell and cloak and did a nasty prank on the group, nearly getting himself shot by his own crew…
Bailey realized something; her Ketch is too fragile compared to the Atlantean Ships, plus it looked vastly different from them… but what if? What if Bailey hijacked one of those Atlantean Ships after besting their crew in combat, and furthermore; what if she… disguised as one of them, using the virtuous scrolls to cleanse the garments she was going to wear?
It was a theory Bailey was hesitant about, but it was either rotting away on an island waiting to die, or getting back to the grasp of her safe haven, so Bailey immediately used the last of her supplies to make a flaming beacon, which attracted an Atlantean Brig straight to her.
With steel in one hand and gunpowder in the other, there was nothing to fear in this place. All she knew was that she was just a few swings away from freedom…

She’d done it. The sailors and the Atlantean Captain lured to her Ketch were all dead, their bodies looted and thrown deep into the ocean. Her armor was ruined, but she had no open wounds… thrill. Thrill filled her eyes as she tore off the coat and shell of the once savage Atlantean Captain, before grabbing the virtuous scrolls and ‘cleansing’ them.
Equipping all of that filthy, disgusting gear made Bailey sick to the core, but as she put on her new helmet; fashioned out of a clam, she made her way towards the Brig she’s claimed as her reward… and sailed away, with the Atlantean Ships around her not batting an eye. To the monsters, it was a lone Atlantean Captain who lost their fodder, and to the survivor, it was yet another beast who claimed the lives of their own… but to Bailey?
It was freedom, her ship set to go home.
(i really hope disguises like this work)

Francis, Little Chef, Little Psycho
Status: Alive
Insanity Level: 20%
Whereabouts: Mango Isle, occasionally travels to other populated islands for… reasons.

She didn’t want to leave. Francis pleaded with her beloved sister to stay with her in a safe spot in the Bronze Sea, but Bailey… she wanted to go home, but she was so clearly going to die. Francis’ mental state fell apart quickly. Captain disbanded the crew, Rasmussen travelled to Palo Town, Roy is missing, and Bailey was… sailing to her death.
She was all alone now. All alone, surrounded by fruit, freshwater fish, and mushrooms, enough to make a delicious meal… without anyone to share it with. She cursed a lot. She cursed the Atlanteans who ruined her way of life, she cursed Captain, who damned the fate of all of her friends, she cursed her own sister for leaving her here in this quiet hell, but she… cursed herself, for being too scared to go with the ones she deemed as family. A diet of mushrooms, mangoes, and freshwater fish was repetitive, and the cave she lived inside was nothing but an echo chamber for her frustrations… until she heard a thud, right outside of her cave. Peering outside, Francis caught glimpse of an Atlantean Ketch, with their members dead or crippled to the point of immobility. She acted quickly, executing those that were alive, and beheading the Atlanteans that were so clearly dead, just in case… she missed that rush, and before she knew it, it was back to her routine, her ‘loop’.
Days. Days. So many days passed. Francis was pointlessly living. She was… so lonely. She missed Captain, Sister, all of them, and yet the weakest member of the Heart was the only one left alive, what a shame, she thought.

“I want to cook again.”
“Rasmussen is so happy when I grill fish for him.”
“Captain always loves exotic meats.”
“Maybe Bailey wants something new?”
“I wonder what atlantean tastes li-”

Francis gagged at the thought. What the hell was she thinking? That was DISGUSTING! Why would she… wouldn’t that get her sick? Wouldn’t that be… freedom…?

A girl clad in yellow exited her cage.
Approaching the boat that withered with age.
Seeing corpses, so many, too few.
She dragged them up, intent on making a stew.

Setting sail, now veiled in black.
The girl met a traveler, recently attacked.
She rushed towards them, eyes filled with zeal.
Saying; "Hello, sir! Would you like a meal?

In short, Captain dead, Roy is pulling a Shura, Rasmussen died in Palo, Bailey managed to make an Atlantean Disguise and is heading home, and Francis lost their mind and is feeding people Atlantean Meals.


@Mirage i did a fuckin thing for my friend birb_ie

Xiang Auburn Architeuthis, Harbinger of the Ashen Storm
Status - Mutated
Insanity - 5. Mutated into an Unholy Beast Atlantean
Whereabouts - Dark Sea, swimming to the Epicentre to “investigate”
A curious but arrogant investigator, unfortunately falling to her own pride.

The mutated form of Xiang Auburn after her infection. A mutation of a giant squid-like form, her Ash magic now forms the basis of the “ink” that the Architeuthis sprays out, melting all that dare to even come close in horrific ways.

When the Atlanteans began invading, Xiang Auburn saw it as an opportunity to further her detective work and make a much larger name for herself. Ever inquisitive, she sailed her brig into the Dark Sea to research the properties of the sea - after all, if everyone was too busy dealing with the assault, why shouldn’t she use this as a head start on some research? Besides, she’d already killed plenty of Atlanteans before; the invasion would be shut down before the end of the month.

In her haste and excitement, however, she had neglected to prepare herself properly. Her past voyages to the Dark Sea lead to her downfall, assuming herself that she was powerful enough to survive. In a particularly disastrous storm, an Atlantean frigate split her boat in two.

I’m gonna be honest she just got scratched or something who even cares she’s a kid now she’s a squid now you’re a kid you’re a squid you’re a kid you’re a squid splatoon

However, the Atlantean hadn’t been seen anywhere recently, seemingly having returned to the Dark Sea. There were rumours that the beast is lying in wait for prey, but explorers brave - or insane enough - to venture into the Dark Sea in hopes of finding treasure say that she’s heading into the heart of the storm.

The Epicentre.

Maybe she was still a little curious after all.

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Name + Title (if applicable): Apolo Rust, The Celestial Warrior

Status: Alive, Healthy, uninfected

Insanity Level: 0, not insane

Whereabouts: Palo Town → Mount Othrys → Nimbus Sea

He arrives in Ravenna to provide a flicker of hope to the people. With the task of bringing the last of them to Mount Othrys through the Atlantean blockade. A shout of pure horror catches his attention. In no more than three hours he fights off a horde of Atlanteans threatening to overwhelm an expedition team scavenging for resources. Blazing through the Atlantean forces despite his exhaustion into Mount Caesar, where the next phase of his task would begin.

Name: Sir Spartacus

Status - Alive, Healthy

Insanity - 4

Whereabouts - Fort Talos → Ravenna → Seas around Blasted Rock and Mount Orthys → Mouth Orthys

The younger of Argos’s 2 adopted sons. he was originally stationed at Fort Talos with his adoptive father. When his father realized there was no stopping the fall of the fortress, he commanded him to sail and warn Ravenna of the invasion. This would be the last time he would ever see his father alive.

At Ravenna he would call for a mass evacuaction, either into Mount Caesar or to Mount Orthys. Though some chose to ignore him, many heeded his warnings, as he was the son of Argos. Calvus decided to order a legion be raised to help the evacuation.

Throughout this, Spartacus would priotize the safety of civilians over everything else. This would often lead to the deaths of hundreds of soldiers. He would also set up a port at Blasted Rock to draw Atlantean attention away from Orthys and have a place to rest his troops. As the refugees slowed, so did news from Ravenna. Out of concern, he would order all of his remaining ships and troops pull back to Orthys.

At Orthys, he would be thrust into a leadership position, recieving the duty of general and leader of the Orthys Legion and the Ravennean refugees. Suddenly forced with the burden of politics, something he had tried to avoid for the majority of his life. Slowly, his life spiraled out of control, from unending paperwork, to divides in the various refugee groups, and then to infighting in the Orthys Legion. On top of all of this, he would learn that his idol, his father, had turned into a mutated beast.

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i think this is the least sane non-mutated OC so far :clap:

Nothing kills a man quicker than paperwork

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Lord Winter

Status: Alive, Battle Scarred

Insanity: 0

Location: Ravenna

The elder of Argos’s adopted sons, Winter was stationed at Ravenna when the outbreak began. When his younger brother came to Ravenna pleading everyone to evacuate, Winter stayed to help protect those who didn’t believe his little brother’s words or who were going below Mount Caesar instead.

When the invasion finally hit Ravenna he would fight on the frontlines, being injured multiple times, but protected from infection by his heavy armor. This heavy armor had a strange blessing/curse, his attack power and vitality increased heavily, but he hurt himself with every attack. Though he wasn’t infected by them, the Atlantean attacks still left deep cuts and painful bruises on him.

He bravely stood as part of the vanguard of the Ravennean defences, commanding his men personally as they valiantly held the line. His bravery would soon draw the adoration of Ravennean civilians and was hailed as a hero. Though he wasn’t invincible. He would find out of his fathers fate much sooner than his little brother, but he took it just as hard. After grieving for a few days, he came back with more determination to fight, for someone needed to fill the void he left.

Once the order was given to retreat into Mount Caesar, Winter was one of the last soldiers to enter, holding the line to ensure as many could enter the mountain as possible. His courage during the fighting against the Atlanteans would make him endeared to Ravennea’s people.

However, he held a dark secret. He absolutely despised the Ravennean Royal Family. The only other soul he knew about this was his younger brother, who would take this secret to the grave. You see, Winter’s mother was from Winterveil, whilst his father was Calvus’s uncle. Winter’s parents had been killed by his own grandfather, Nero just for speaking out against the genocide, Winter’s own name was an example of this rebellion against him.

So when Revon began to fall out of favor with Ravenna’s people whilst he was hero to them all, Winter began plotting his revenge. Winter’s father should’ve been on the throne instead of Calvus’s, Winter should’ve been on the throne instead of Revon and Calvus. Gathering up others who wished to rebel against Ravenna’s Royal Family, an underground war would begin in Mount Caesar, and Winter swore to reclaim his birthright.

Alya Boreas

Status: Alive, Mutated (Siren)

Insanity: 0

Location: A Siren Rock → The Bronze Sea

The younger cousin of Neviro and one of his adoptive sisters. She was adopted by the Sirens alongside Neviro and were raised as siblings. Much kinder and more willing to adopt young children, she was known as an older sister to many of the children she begged her adoptive mother and aunts to adopted.

Over time, she would become more and more skilled at using a bow named Kryopágima, which also happened to be a random spirit weapon her mother and aunts had stolen from some ship long ago. She would imbue her Snow magic onto it, eventually becoming skilled enough at magic that she used a lost magic scroll containing Blizzard magic and managed to control it effectively, imbuing it on bow.

When Neviro began to research more into the Winterveil Extermination, she would become his research assistant. Due to this, she learned nearly as much as Neviro did and was absolutely disgusted by what she read. Shortly after, Neviro attempted to leave for the Bronze Sea, but was stopped by his family.

Deciding to help him, they drafted up a plan to smuggle Neviro onto a ship whilst Alya joined it as a deckhand. She would carry Neviro whilst he was crammed inside of a crate and onto a Siren sailboat heading to the Bronze Sea. Once in the Insanity 0 range, Neviro got out of the crate, much to the suprise of the crew of the ship the pair were on.

After reaching the Bronze Sea, the crew left the ship, She too would leave, parting ways with Neviro. Whilst his motivations were for revenge, she wished to simply explore the War Seas. She would eventually find an abandoned Siren brig and decided to captain it, sailing the seas alone.

Over time as she explored the islands, she would find many children, often orphans, scared and alone. She would adopt all of them, eventually exposure to her and high amounts of magic pollution would unknowingly turn them to Sirens. Many of survivors who come across her note her for being quite peaceful and incredibly protective of her “children”. However, this peacefulness disappears when she or one her kin are harmed. The last thing the attacker would see is a swarm of black feathers descending on them.

Her relationship with survivors is complicated. She’s actively hostile towards most sky islanders, though she has a friendship with a man named Matthew and his family, whom she discovered was her cousin. Any random survivors that aren’t in any notable groups she’s friendly with. She’s somewhat hostile to most Ravenneans and currently learning about humans from a tired man burying his grief with paperwork named Spartacus at Mount Orthys.

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a little update, yes the 2 warlocks up there became mages, and here are 2 more characters.

pearl jackson(ash conjurer):
undetermined, missing.
she went missing, most likely died or got infected by the time percival went under hiding.

silvia hiwatashi(lightning warlock):
infected, stage 3, moderate insanity.
as evil as she was before, she has mutated into a monsterous atlantean, becoming something unimaginable, from survivors and sketches she no longer has functioning legs, and should not be approached near water or anywhere at all.

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is this post still applicable

maybe. maybe not. i haven’t actually written anything for abyss sea and i don’t really know if i care to

had to update it cause i didnt really like the old one ;-;

name:cody water

whereabouts:frostmill(somewhat of a safezone because of cody freezing the surrounding atlanteans to death)“on the half that has been overrun by atlanteans”

health status:crazy/healthy

magic:glacial ice magic


insanity status:varies

before the abyss sea opened up cody water was an infamous criminal who got caught on frostmill afew minutes before the disaster and was imprisoned near the lower parts of the frosty mines,as soon as the dark sea started corrupting the bronze sea his already built up stress skyrocketed because of the dark aura emitted by the purplish water that had seeped into the water at the bottom of the mines,as very few months passed quickly cody had frozen multiple atlanteans to death whilst being trapped on frostmill without any ways to escape besides his ice magic which he can use to make a path across the water but that would be more of a chance for atlanteans to infect him.cody tries not to fight as much as possible because he has a special disease that only powerful mages have a chance to contract which drains mana twice as fast but spells become twice as destructive with the lack of food on frost mill island cody has a chance of starving to death or getting caught off guard by an atlantean and getting bitten,he froze or killed any thing that he came across including humans who fled from the atlanteans even resorting to eat the dead bodies of those humans to not starve(relateable).he had a skirmish with a certain atlantean that used a very small amount of snow magic. he had frozen the creature to the top of frostmill but it is still alive and has been mutating slowly.cody is currently having crippling depression inside the auction house because yes.he had cleared out the town of frostmill but sometimes atlateans roam into the town resulting in their imminent demise. he can handle stage 1 and 2 atlanteans but he can face the first tier of stage 3 and nothing above

Silvy - Currently alive with his clan
Orion - Falls when Silverhold falls
Mist - Dies killing a crew of atlanteans

Name: Ace Moonsilver

Title: The Phantom Blade

Status: Alive

Insanity: 100% sane

Whereabouts: Kingdom of Lunareli

Story: A 17 year old shadow conjurer who is the reincarnation and vessel for the legendary being known as Equinox Novaria. Loves ice cream and annoying the shit out of his brothers. He can also form an aura of shadow magic that basically turns him into a dragon.

Name: Drago Moonsilver

Title: The Silver Phoenix

Status:: Alive

Insanity: 100% sane

Whereabouts: Kingdom of Lunareli

Story: A 16 year old person who uses magma magic and was born with the powerful fighting style known as Iron Leg. He also has the ability to turn into a phoenix made of white magma magic, as his title suggests.

Name: Lucius Moonsilver

Title: The Sapphire Gale

Status: alive

Insanity: 100% sane

Whereabouts: Kingdom of Lunareli

Story: A 15 year old who can do some pretty crazy shit with wind and crystal magic, such as transforming the oxygen in one’s lungs into sapphires and impaling them from the inside. He can also turn into a griffin made of wind and crystals.

still working on rin’s and it’s giving me a headache aaaaa-

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Alincio Grimore
Located somewhere underwater in the bronze sea
A sailor lightning warlock that has fully adapted to life in the sea. With perfect water breathing gems Alincio is able to always stay underwater which has allowed him to avoid most atlantean. He mainly lives off of fish now with the occasional surfacing trip to gather some fruits. Prior to the invasion he obtained a set of sunken iron armour which he now wears constantly. This set has enough magical aura to prevent him from being insane and the effects of magic pollution have further increased the stats of his armor making it even more powerful.He also wears therugiest robes just to make sure he doesn’t get infected. A huge threat to curse users both atlantean and human due to his time in the sea but will basically never show up anywhere. His crew is still hiding somewhere…

this guy is definitely dead

hes already turned into one :sob: