Dupes or no?

wait, originally owned names change? i thought they cant

I was gonna reply saying youā€™d get into trouble if you owned one of these butā€¦

Frustrated blabbering

Then I remembered you just would not in the slightest. Considering how Iā€™m a decently well known user in-general & trader (a quite active one at that) aswell as how I donā€™t be talking to mods like that or have that relation like some other trades, that my inventory would be checked or something every once in a long while at least but nope Iā€™ve owned this duped headless since april 20th and made my trade for that headless very public. I can only imagine what an unknown player could get away with.

Iā€™m pretty sure if I didnā€™t let the mods know they wouldnā€™t have ever done shit about it and if I really wanted to I most definitely couldā€™ve just traded it down for free loot easy but Iā€™m probably gonna both get the headless deleted and not get my sunkens back essentially meaning I got 9 high value sunkens discarded for a reason that was in no way my fault since this information about how to tell abt duped seasonals was not being said by nobody and we weā€™re being told that duping was fixed??? Getting very frustrated with vetex and the higher ups because this shit couldā€™ve been so easily avoided. People got straight up banned for owning duped items a while ago even if they werenā€™t aware, then people just randomly got their items wiped if the file it was stored on wasnā€™t that itemā€™s level, all for duping to literally be a bigger issue than ever. I donā€™t like complaining and screaming at people just because I got mad at something but Iā€™ve been criticizing this stuff even when it hasnā€™t affected me at all, but I must say thereā€™s some major incompetence in vetexā€™s circle right now.

^ If youā€™re a mod Iā€™m not angry at you thereā€™s nothing yall can do and usually a handful at least got reasonable opinions even if I donā€™t always agree, so I respect and like yall fr :pray: :pray: only frustrated at vetex and the very higher upsā€¦ :face_exhaling:

Yeah, plus itā€™s sort of annoying to find if the items have been duped or not. How are you supposed to know, unless itā€™s REALLY obvious?

gonna have to start taking matters into my own hands if this tomfuckery doesnā€™t stop right nowā€¦and yall dont wanna see me madā€¦

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