Durza Headcanon (not really)

honestly, it’d make sense to me if durza actually acknowledged the fact that theos kicked his ass the first time
he could still be mad about it, but i don’t know if he’d go like “Hello THEOS, I am ABOVE you, you’re an old BITCH, I’m gonna KILL you.” and it’d be more like “I’ll never forget what you’ve done to me that day, and the fact that I’m not the one to end you right now makes me more furious than the gods themselves. That being said, I’m delighted that you’re at least not a problem to me anymore.”

And takes half the world with him, twice.

worst temper tantrums in arcane history

also does durza know of the peacekeeper’s existence when theos dies? because if he did i have no idea how he’d just let them keep living

if durza does, he dosent really have a say in the matter because he is busy fighting arthur

I’ve read a few times that he actually revived the player on purpose because hades was pissing him off (do not ask me for a source cause i’m not gonna spend 2 hours looking for it and i may be going crazy). And the lore doc also says otherwise

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I think that was a scrapped story bit I believe. Something about Theos as well.

yeah there is a bunch of scrapped story from a few years ago

“alright, this hades motherfucker has been controlling me for FAR too long. i’m gonna make this guy who has the potential to kill me, and while he’s getting ready for that, i’m gonna get theos killed. this plan’s fucking perfect.”

seven seas later

“on second thought… i don’t wanna die. i’m gonna become the first nuclear bomb.”

i like to imagine that if it wasn’t for the absorption curse constantly pumping his mind with power dopamine he would have just gone depressed and shit

Surprised there’s no such thing as a crippling depressed curse user, since I believe magics tie in with emotion. Hopefully we get various curse users with different personalities and how they react to having a curse.

i like to imagine that hades doesn’t actually have much connection to durza other than making it so that he obtains the absorption curse and he just watches what happens over durza’s lifetime

because i fucking hate when the big bad guy turns out to be a servant to an even bigger bad guy whose entire story is ONE PARAGRAPH ON A FFFFUCKING! GOOGLE DOC!

mb i got a little carried away there

i really like how trollus handled this:

durza seemed more relieved to finally remove a giant thorn in his side, than he does actual hatred of theos
must be a giant relief to finally get rid of a problem you’ve had for 800+ years

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I’ve read somewhere that freedrock is actually depressed, the webtoon backs that up too but idk where that came from

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Omggg another mother fan like me :heart::heart::heart:

I made this art about a year ago so this is what I perceive Durza to sort of look like (as well as Poseidon and Theos)


holy jesus what shampoo does poseidon use

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i never imagined poseidon as a blond man. pretty neat, great theos, too

if i were the peacekeeper though, i would NOT let durza go a second without letting him know that he’s BALD LMAOOO

I more so just really like Giygas as a concept + everything else. I should play Mother 3 some day. But back on topic, Durza is kind of like Giygas, even down to influencing people and basically bending the world.

anyway i’ve gotta head to bed for the night, so if anyone’s gonna leave any other comments, i’ll check 'em out in the morning