Durza Headcanon (not really)

yeah Hades was pretty rushed in, I made a headcanon where Hades shows up earlier in the story and wants to take over the seven seas and rise in power, but Durza kept stalling him with his own methods until he could hope to actually kill the god (and then AA happened)

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Not to derail but I wonder if there’s a way to write Hades in a way where it makes sense for him to be a dick without him being discount Satan or even making him kind of like his Greek mythos self. I like to imagine him doing what he did out of needing a way to gain power in order to keep the world in check, or even have Durza act like a moving vault, but got greedy and ended up getting Durza to basically want to destroy the world and conquer it’s ashes, or maybe even Durza going rogue. But IDK came up with that on the spot.

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In my headcanon he wants power to bring Olympus back to it’s former glory (since gods don’t truly die, most of them would eventually just reform) and undo prometheus’ oopsies

as far as I’m aware Hades has 0 canon lore so anything could be the canon version


Completely possible. Maybe even just dispose of Durza after he collected all the curses, and ended up going “fuck it” and nuked everything. Maybe Durza really went rogue, that’s a narrative I kind of prefer, makes more sense too.

Durza going rogue on him does seem to make sense
the lore doc is kinda vague but it makes it seem like durza was Hades’ guinea pig

I always enjoyed imagining Durza as a curly small kid since that was he was described as a kid in the docs regardless of him rejecting his humanity and shit


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Yeah. It was sort of a Master-Apprentice situation. Hades nudged him in directions and gave him advice, and Durza just went wild with power.

Bro if Vetex made Durza look like Orochimaru I would personally go to his house and use his soul as a sacrifice for the Impure World Reincarnation Jutsu

i know that i should NOT be talking shit when i made a topic about me sucking at drawing
why does theos look like a 20 year old guy with white hair instead of a several-century old man
where is the GRIT
why does he just not look hurt despite having that blood on his face

i like durza’s speech too thought

i suppose trollus didnt have the experience they do now, seeing as that episode was released… let me check
oh dear

whenever i try to read the webcomic the website just didnt let me

i click and nothing happens

could you elaborate a bit?
i want to see if my lacking computer skills can help you with this

maybe when i get home i dont know how to screenshot on android

what happens when you try to use this button?

im also at school so i dont want to dig through the forums, find it, and get back here

if its the link you are taking about, here it is

if you mean something else, this could always wait for later

thanks, i’ll get to it later

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