Earth Status Buff Suggestion

Earth Status Buff Suggestion
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

none of the magics have completely science-accurate effects, as they shouldn’t

Yeah, still feel like concussed is a good thing for Earth.

i didnt say it wasnt, that other guy is projecting some nonsensical fantasy

Agreed, he’s still trying to contribute to the conversation though with a creative idea. I think it’s not very good however.

real question:

make explosion more powerful underwater

I’ll leave this one to the physics experts. :sunglasses:

basically explosion shud be 2x more powerful underwater if that’s what you’re askin’

Maybe it would have more knockback underwater?

just make it work underwater and we’re good


Does Shadow work underwater still?

Haven’t checked in ages

I don’t really care about how it works. What I meant was he said it negated all dmg


not really. You have to do 30%, and at that point, you’re basically just beating up a low-level or something. Otherwise, fine.

Huh. Metal could possibly have this status too. It seems even less likely to cause bleed than Earth, and it has it.


Ya bro metal definitely doesn’t cause bleeding

After playing Earth a bit, I can deduce it’ll do just fine in AO

Alr, just thought a metal ball would be smoother than an Earth ball, but maybe it has sharp edges or something.

Yes because nobody bleeds from getting hit by an extremely large metal ball

In fact you can just stand in front of a wrecking ball irl and you’ll never bleed

Oh, good point

Earth is probably softer than metal as well

im stupid

Give wood concussed and make earth a bit bigger