Earth Status Buff Suggestion

Earth Status Buff Suggestion
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

maybe don’t have a smooth ball if you’re not going to give bleeding. I feel like projectiles in general should be revamped. The only cool one rn is crystal. I think that’s happening in AO tho.

Interesting thoughts.

Exploding metal would make you bleed regardless lol. There’s no way you aren’t getting cut by that.


idc gimme cool projectiles :frcryin:

ice and crystal could also give bleed, wood too

Earth is completely fine as it is honestly. If it were to get buffed, the most I would expect is a .5 up to 1 increase in size affinity, a blurred screen from concussed seems a bit much as blur would be more potent than a screen overlay.

Maybe, but I feel like Earth doesn’t need much more size as it already has. And a small concussed effect might make a it a little better.

Not only would this not feel that great to fight against if it’s actually meaningful but by using logic pretty much all the solids would have to get this effect and that would just suck and goes against “giving Earth it’s own thing”.

I agree. However, Earth should have the opportunity to get it’s own thing, and other solids have things that make more sense (For example, freezing for ice and bleeding for metal).

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