Easy Mode (For Storyline)


More players does NOT mean good. At that rate we’ll become Arcane Reborn or Rogue Lineage.

The only thing I see here is someone wanting easy mode as the game is too hard for them.
Mind you the game is quite easy as it is.

Thats why this is a suggestion, I jus tthought it would be better if this game would help out the new players

We shouldn’t apply to other demographics because it’s an RPG.
RPGs don’t mix with young children.

I mean we’re 45 replies in (more than what most suggestions get) and there’s only 1 vote.
I think you should give it up, no one wants this.

I would disagree. Learning curve is steep, and you need at least 50 hours to be decent at the game. Plus, because its just a button, people can turn it on or off

It doesn’t matter.
If it causes problems that could majorly change things, then don’t add it.
Anyone with half a brain would get this.

And again, 47 replies in with 1 vote. If you think it takes 50 hours to get good at this game… You’re in for a surprise.

I see no real reason not to add a different difficulty level to the game. Adding this in won’t actually make the game any worse if you like to play games that challenge you, because then you’ll just pick the difficulty you like. Don’t forget that other games have different difficulty levels.

It would help with players who lag and/or just find themselves stuck on a boss and unable to progress. I wouldn’t use this but it would be useful.

50 hours? skill issue

^ as rayman said

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somehow i just knew u were going to post that

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  1. extremely abuseable with alt accounts
  2. game would become too easy overtime
  3. just get good wtf

had to

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Thats why I’ve made this. I see no harm in letting people choose their difficulty

anyways, skill issue

skill issue

skill issue tbh

This is the flawed idea, you are suggesting an easy mode to WoM, WoM most likely wont even be updated that much while AO is being developed
So you are suggesting an Easy mode to a games storyline that hasnt even come out yet
Wait til AO comes out before you start suggesting this.

skill issue

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