Ebg discussion

that’s why I just use spectrum :sunglasses:

I remember I had it on an alt I think I lost it tho :frowning_face:


maybe I should try spectrum + time

time beam + holobeam = the funny

everyone who gets hit by time aoe just walks right out what r they thinking man

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at least we can all agree

most of sounds moves are dogshit.

lmao that’s what I love about it

“go ahead, try running”

I heard that temporal stasis + chaos laser is good might use it when I get chaos and spectrum barrage

eh theyre ok
i mained sound for a bit when it first came out, only problem is the low damage but the attacks are all really easy to hit

slime users trying not be assholes challenge (impossible)

slime aoe spammers when i know their entire moveset and they cant hit me

guys stop agreeing on things my popcorn business is tanking rn

creation mfs desperately trying to land the chain attack on me (they are shaking and crying as we speak)

it never popped off in the first place

creation users when the travel attack has a 284740174739395 year endlag

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Bro fr i unlocked it from the event in 2017 and after using it for a while and then switching to another element i realized how ASS the damage is

illusion users completely neglecting trichotomy be like:

I have an alt for EBG called like Ultusersarebad maybe with an underscore in it and it has a bunch of elements and even solar (i only use it if theres another solar spammer and in that case i do a little trolling)

spirit mfs resisting the urge to go invisible:

DubiousTyp0 making EBG slander (it’s very funny)

i remember my moveset
spirit aoe + nightmare multi projectile + ash pulse + comet crash + spiky shield