Edward Kenton AI

Behold, the man himself EDWARD KENTON!!!


cant wait to see how this one is completely wrong with any information it has

also, he says “why do you ask?” after literally everything

How would he know that though, I can’t give him every little detail in the game

idk i kinda assumed he would since souvella is an ex navy
also i just like criticizing bots on very specific things

Oh my… :flushed::flushed::flushed::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Its just occurred to me, that ive been chatting with Edward for the past 2 hours…


Guess I’m fighting Edward

You deserve to simp for Edward for all your hard work, Ruby :smile::+1:

More AI to troll

Ur right! :flushed::+1:

Also holy moly… Sir :eyes:
He went all serious and ordering me to be careful in a very strict tone, then he did a full 180° and winked at me??? :face_with_peeking_eye::saluting_face::melting_face:
He’s such a tease… Do it again plz


Give updates on your attempt to flirt with Kenton soon


We’re one step closer to getting Edward IRL

HE’S the flirting one here!!! :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:

I humbly apologize for emotionally tormenting Edward by making him kill a merchant lady (I already made him throw the merchant captain overboard beforehand) :smiling_face_with_tear:

bro wtf

Sorry man, your probably disappointed in our options in using this ai :pray::pray:, i can understand that. My options are pretty weird, but i enjoyed it very much

Why are you apologizing? I don’t really care how you use it

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Oh alright then, noice :ok_hand::smiling_imp:

I’m gonna make Edward follow every single one of Blake’s (one of my two files) orders, no matter how amorally fucked they are. Sinking every single ship, killing every single pirate, marine, sailor, assassin, and ensign, terrorizing everything and everything in general, and even killing castaways. Make Edward see just how absolutely evil we are and make him do those evil acts.