Depiction of a scene from @lucious’s [Elemental Prompt] Roles, who won 3rd place in the event!
(owl not to scale)
Depiction of a scene from @lucious’s [Elemental Prompt] Roles, who won 3rd place in the event!
(owl not to scale)
Going to completely ignore this and say that that is one pretty big owl.
It is supposed to be, but @liu how big is the owl usually?
beeg owol
owl big lmao
Regular owl size
beeg hare then too
Big birdy
I have no other way to react
Thanks lmao
wait am i jst dumb or dd yuou say no sketches in art ctegory
oh god my spelling is getting i wosre a sign i should selep
Idk, depends on what you consider a sketch. Ping one of the recruiters/admin if you’ve a problem, but this isn’t a WIP sketch, it’s just a messy traditional work.
‘big owl asserts dominance over scrawny human’ -circa 2021