Elysium & Clans

I had a interesting discussion with some people about Elysium. They presented the idea to me that clan owners should be able to make their own, private, Elysium.

Their reasoning was that some clans (Such as Noble Phantasm or Prominence) have members or owners that actively participate in in the clan and help them out by creating private Elysium’s to PVP safely in. Of course, in order to do this they’d need some kind of requirement such as a galleon payment or a infamy requirement

I thought about this and wanted to ask if the people here think its a good idea to allow clan leaders to open their own Private Elysiums? Should they be allowed to?


oh heck yeah free private server for pvp sounds awesome
probably never gonna happen considering how it seems mods wanna keep elysium to themselves


I like this idea, if it does get accepted i’ll NEED or HAVE to be in a clan instead of just a bank solo guild.

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I would also like to add on that this gives incentive to gain infamy (If we make it so you need a certain teir of infamy to open) for people with private banks

Oh yes, there’s also the longer alternative of me actually trying to gain infamy for my solo guild by ganking other clansmen, sure.

I’m not too sure about the requirements, as this discussion is more geared towards if its a good idea and its consequences

If this is added for clans it should require no more than the 50k strong clan mark.

Most likely, it shouldn’t just be easy to get thats for certain

yea on one hand it’d feel unearned if just anybody could get it easily with minimal effort but it’d just suck if you had to be within some arbitrary top 100 list.

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I’d propose having to at least be a strong clan

Mabye the building update will fix this, who knows though

ive been asking this since the day elysium dropped istg :sob:

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there should be an elysium server anyone can join

good idea, won’t happen

I mean it could, but I’d like to see your reasons on why it couldn’t

im just kidding sorry

Man I wanted a good conversation D:

bias - my reasoning

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tbf I made this because someone brought up a point saying its kinda unfair clans like Prominence have private elysiums

it got purple logo right

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