Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Blasted + Atlantean by visuals


Now I can look like sailor fist’s particle effects

It is confirmed to (at least intend) to work

damn it man I wanna put this on my vanity sunken gear now >:( hopefully vetex adds a way to change the modifier on an item visually only

If nothing else it looks really fucking sick

please don’t tell me that the Abyssal diving points are just holes made into the seafloor rock with the diving spot on the very bottom

I mean ain’t that where most of the deep sea lies, in trenches?

You doubt vetex’s laziness

they are holes beneath the seafloor

nah sorry I realised after I posted mb

Yes but if you’ve studied even a little bit of Geography you must know that trenches are not just a prefectly square hole in the seafloor

Fair point mb

I mean if you’ve studied even a little bit of Geography you must know that raised areas of seafloor are not just a perfectly square pillar on the seafloor

i mean neither are spots that wreckages are found on but those are square pillars as well

magic pollution fr

I don’t think the game is really trying to be realistic dude, nor does it really need to be. I feel like you’re taking issue with a pretty non-issue here.

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Lost Envoy set

Lost Diplomat teaser

So far, looks like the main difference is the color, with Envoy being red/gold and Diplomat being Purple.


Looks like a weapon would really complete this set

make the weapon a shovel it’s only fitting :nod:

This is genuinely fire, I will be picking this up