Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


oh i love the dust shockwave thing

Now PLEASE just fix the solid magics :sob:

you WILL take your wtf are pillar crystal explosions :skull: and you will LIKE THEM

this is gonna look SICK with shaders, I can’t wait.

Light Magic still looks (comparatively) boring because it’s textureless, just a flat white beam :pensive:
Those other magics are looking amazing though. I love the new Wind effects.
I think Light should get sparkles, that would add a bit more to look at.

I dunno I think the neon part looks better than it just being an invisible part with only vfx

mf its light

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My brother in christ, what did you expect?

Hopefully sand and snow get similar treatments, but in a way that also makes them discernible and unique when compared with each other.

lightning lookin good as always

All placed pillar explosion with this new change:

Wind is better, really. Its not arguable until lightning’s pngs are changed.

There’s lots of pretty stuff you could potentially do with Light. The white pillar itself just isn’t a lot to look at, but I do like the effects surrounding it. Maybe the pillar could have more lines, or a gradient, or it could be sparkling. I’m sorry for sounding ungrateful, I think the rest of the VFX update is looking gorgeous.

I don’t think roblox has a lot of textures to convey “light” better though which might be the main thing for it. I don’t see a gradient working if it isn’t just a transparency gradient (and even that might not work), and I don’t think more lines added will really do much for it.

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Hmm, maybe. I thought devs could make their own textures now, or maybe that’s just particles.


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coulda sworn you could camp on story islands thanks to a change

Checking Patreon chat, I’ve read Vetex’s post. I’m really excited for Makrinaos. It’s the sort of thing I’ve been wanting in game for a while.
