Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

have people considered that assassins while they definitely wouldn’t want to fight in the first place would 100% not be wearing literally zero armour in a world like this where it’s nearly impossible to actually get a clean, quick kill on someone like how a stab to the heart does in real life

this oc of JTN’s is literally just the “Women’s Fantasy Armour” meme

pretty sure it’s because he’s working on the assasin island, that’s why there’s no trello updates

according to vetex a regular ass gun could kill the peacekeeper
you know, arguably the second strongest magic user in history behind only theos and user of the absorption curse

so in lore things are probably very different

What changed tho :expressionless:

the thing that changed is that ancient ass fire particle that was used since aa

they removed racism from ao yall

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we can no longer call each other monkeys but we can call each other clowns and nerds

I mean we can trade bananas

me omw to give the other guy glasses, a clown nose, and a banana

Bro I’ve been translating the patch notes on twitter for a year and fucking nobody knows it, so if indirectly working for Vetex doesn’t work I think glazing at the magnificent being Vetex is won’t work too

You’ve been what

french :rage:

to be fair there probably arent that many fr*nch people who cant also speak and read english


I actually hella respect Vetex for this

ill just use black whale sails now dw abt it
this aint stoppin us lool

primitive sails :laughing:

Yeah I know but I’ve been doing it anyway.
Kind of became an habit to be honest

Yeah, people will find a way around to spread toxicity

I never relived this was an issue