Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

ill just use black whale sails now dw abt it
this aint stoppin us lool

primitive sails :laughing:

Yeah I know but I’ve been doing it anyway.
Kind of became an habit to be honest

Yeah, people will find a way around to spread toxicity

I never relived this was an issue

the video lags when the 20 blast spell explodes lol

I want Knocking Fist to make it in for sure, but I honestly hope Karate gets scrapped. It sounds too simple and boring next to the elemental fighting styles and Cannon Fist. Also a grab-focused fighting style is a stupid idea for at least three reasons.

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Ah yes, because stuff like boxing and iron leg are of higher quality

Yeah this is my issue with it, I’m not too pressed about losing karate but calling them too basic is just dumb reasoning. They’re both common fighting styles, I thought the point was that they were more basic than lost fighting styles :sob:

And in what world is knocking fist too basic in comparison to the other fighting styles we have, or even in general??? Honestly Vetex could’ve said they would’ve been too much of a pain to implement and that would’ve made more sense

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Yeah on top of that, I had plans for Knocking Fist, Fluect gotta have some BANGER FS Ideas to make up for it imo

I’d be perfectly fine if he just didn’t want to add them, but he had the audacity of calling them “too basic” when you have styles such as sailor and thermo that made it in

Nothing will be knocking fist, unless a fighting style with the EXACT name Knocking fist drops, we’re cooked. My whole planned aesthetic is gone…

Fire’s new look kind of reminds me a tiny bit of sun from AA, just without it being that bright neon orange color

Alright, I’ll explain in-depth why I don’t like Karate. This may sound aggressive, I promise it’s directed at the fighting style and not at you.

Iron Leg is cool to me, and Boxing is funny because knockback (and there had to be a wind-elemental fighting style). But a grab-based fighting style? That’s gotta be a joke.

Only one base technique is a grab, so Karate’s gimmick would be significantly more reliant on rare/lost/ancient techniques than other fighting styles. Not to mention it would be SO BORING to fight against. Excess usage of grabs would be like playing those combo-based games that are basically just cutscene simulators. Also, real karate isn’t even a grappling-focused martial art from what I’ve read, so it’s got a stupid name too.

There will most likely be 50+ findable techniques to mirror the number of findable spells, and Karate’s gimmick would only apply to a very tiny handful of those. So either you oversaturate the technique pool with a bajillion new grabs (which would probably only be ever so slightly different from each other) or you keep Karate be extremely limited in which techniques it can pick. Both options decrease variety, literally the opposite of what findable moves are supposed to do.

There are SO MANY REASONS why a grab-based gimmick is a horrible idea. Don’t compare Boxing and Iron Leg to this garbage concept. At least those have elements tied to them, but Karate has nothing I would like to see in this game more than any other fighting style. Not visually, and definitely not mechanically.


and also grabs only land around 40% of the time

It’s fine if you like the current styles but I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy in vetex’s reasoning for scrapping knocking fist and karate.

I’ll admit it, yes, karate had a rather poor concept backing the style but vetex could’ve worked on it instead of just scrapping the concept entirely. (Also changing the name from karate to a different martial art.) I myself even saw the the style as kinda ‘eh’ but I was still excited since I am a major fan of grapplers in fighting games.


Specifically fighting style grabs, why the fuck does the rushdown class end up with the worst grab hitbox?

I wholeheartedly agree in regards to Knocking Fist. If anything, it sounds like one of the most interesting fighting styles out of the common ones. I like how it blends something grounded in real-world logic (nerves and pressure points) together with a fantastical concept (producing magical electricity).

And yeah, common fighting styles should be simple, but that’s relative to lost fighting styles. The current fighting styles we have (except Basic Combat but why count that) set the bar in my mind that every fighting style, even common, will be fantastical and not totally grounded in real logic. Even Boxing is just the wind-element fstyle disguised as something from the real world.

So it feels very jarring to me to throw in something like Karate, which has no magical element like Thermo, Sailor, Boxing, Ileg, and Knocking, nor is it grounded in a supernatural feat of strength like Cannon Fist is. It’s nothing more than just a real-world martial art. A very misinterpreted one, and not in any way that ties it into fantasy. The concept of Karate as it is just doesn’t seem like it belongs.


Yeah that’s fair.

That would be ideal but I don’t really see any way it even could be reworked without just becoming an entirely new fighting style. I mean, not even its name could stay :skull:

I guess you could make the grab-affinity a secondary gimmick and give it a new primary one that works better with this sort of game and also meets the fantastical bar that every other fighting style (minus Basic Combat) has set.

Well outside of me and a few others, I doubt people will play with its gimmick of “land a hit to deal boosted damage with a grab” so a full rework would be necessary

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