Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Vertex why can’t you just release what you already did like ni reason to wait releasing any of the content that isn’t related to each other :cry::cold_sweat::pleading_face::pleading_face:

Monthly updates were just “yes, let me double my efficiency without getting any help.”

He didn’t even do it tho

Yeah, because it was incredibly unrealistic expectations that lead to two updates known for their low quality.

But he said, I’ll just release what’s done, it’s just so we aren’t bored for 5 months, the total content will be split among the updates, and maybe if there’s a big feature he could push it back


oh yeah if vetex changed his mind about quest canceling maybe ship despawning? (maybe sort of a middle ground with a 10 second timer and if your ship is damaged in that time it cancels)

I personally don’t like ship despawning, it would make it too difficult to track people down

Hey, quick question, one that’s not deserving of it’s own post, is Cutlass still a last name option?

lemme check

I would assume so, it is my characters last name :skull:

yes it is still there

Yeah, it’s my plasma conjurer’s last name

well y’all are missing the possibility that it used to be a thing but then was removed making a bunch of slots with an unobtainable last name

“cuz lore reasons” never let this guy make any game, i love lore but u cant use lore to justify bad unpleasant game design and/or mechanics


well Vetex does so womp womp not my rules unfortunately

Ok but there’s no lore reasons tho?!

didnt someone already point out the lost and ancient scrolls? and the fact that u cant learn new magic moves from a scroll, and that mages in lore can do any move and that classes arent cannon and that acry isnt cannon and that he changed parts of the lore?

If everything was “lore reasons”, instead of being able to have simple stat resets we’d have to level all the way to max again to change our builds

in lore it’s harder change ur magic than to use a different weapon or learn a different fighting style over your old one