Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I’d imagine you’d still be able to attack him, I don’t think he’s gonna be like Kai where only negative and neutral renowns can attack him. He just won’t come after you.

Well, I sure hope so.

Jump Odyssey

Wait, so would you have to kill him 16 times to get every drop on average? And him spawning in the first place is totally random, plus every player gets alerted so they’re gonna be after him to get the drops themselves?

I don’t think casual players will be getting the Colossal Greatsword :sob:
It’s a great help for the grassless players like me though. Still, if you ask me I think random-spawning minibosses should drop their stuff 100% of the time.

i bet this is gonna be like the exiled where he rarely drops anything for some reason and when he does it’s gonna be the leggings for the fifth time instead of the sword


*has low renown
*Evander spawns directly next to you

Luck potions goofy
Even if it got nerfed, you still got like a 1/2 chance to get something if you got the luck effect

I’m just glad it’s 1/4 and not 1/7.
More than one person can get a drop per enemy, and Evander is an enemy (wow!)
As long as you show up, you can have it, say the word, it’s yours!

I KNEW IT! It would be stupid to leave out farms and the civilization tab when they’ve been used as a selling point for clan building basically every time it’s been mentioned. Especially since this is supposed to be a full update and not a part 1.


He’s got so much on the table, and he’s been so focused on everything else, I found it a worthy assumption.

He is weak anyway, when lvl cap goes up it gonna be even easier

Can’t believe we got miniboss ships before we got legendary ships.

I mean logically weaker shipfights come before stronger shipfights

At least it’s not 1/10 cough cough WoM bosses cough cough

lost magics, fighting styles, and exotic weps and spirit weps will come before that
so 2030

At least it’s not AR dungeon drops.

eh, it’ll be hard as shit like for a week or two, then as all of the hardcore grinders get it it’ll become easier, and the economy will start settling down letting people actually trade it for reasonable prices

The way people want wom bosses back as though they would suck to farm is crazy

People liked WoM bosses better? Well, I hope they’re happy enough with Evander and Dusk.

It’s so weird to me too because both of those bosses were annoying asf