Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

and surface material especially the tree’s

What is this supposed to mean

His eyes aren’t coloured, they’re just pitch black atm

This exploit fixed, or is this an old version?
Also cataclysm charging looks hella cool

tier 8 wall costs more than my bank
when you think about it, would you rather buy:

A brig, the best ship in the game which is so much better than any other ship and give you access to better dark sea runs


A hard wall

Think vet gotta stop making promises like this bro n be more realistic :sob:

can’t wait for him to say it’s a month away at the end of those four weeks

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Hard wall, 100% of the time
Nobody learns iron leg, and nobody takes my pumpkins

I think I also have a biased view here. In Arcane Adventures, everything was new to me, and I could have gone on for many, many hours trying to scour all the islands in each sea for things, and even to just find them. In Arcane Odyssey I am very aware of the ins and outs of every single piece of land added to the game.

I wouldn’t worry about this (Also what spectre said about being able to extend shorelines). If an island is good for clan building, it will be good for clan building.

I’ve never really liked exploration tasks too much since they’re just for exp and don’t do that much else (and also the fact they do make secrets much less secret)

My opinion (derived much from AA to be honest) is that exploration comes far before exploration tasks/looting/clan building in terms of the purpose of wilderness islands, but I could see from a perspective where that’s not really as relevant a thing, I suppose. Anyways, said opinion of mine changes about every week so it doesn’t matter much.

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Can we ever get mega servers or is that too laggy
They should be clan servers with 2x the player cap, that way we can do really large clan wars

All this waiting and still no Spirit weapons lol

Can galaga make spirit weapon abilities too or nah?

This image has two meanings, either Vetex and galaga dropped both dusk and rites for EP or just dusk, I want to say dusk but 3 weeks makes ne think rites are for full release (which could make sense, that they drop oracle on full release to round out the stat-builds)

Vetex could add em in a mini update like Halloween or something
That way we don’t need to wait till mid 2025 for more spirit abilities

Also I REALLY hope vetex, even while doing full release, does bug fixes for the current version as well
5ish months of bugs with no fix would be hell

Yeah I definitely don’t see us getting Eagle Patrimony rites this update, sadly. I’m actually not sure what the point of adding all of its rites would even be, since one of them costs 260 Vitality (wayyyy too much for hyrbids). And Oracle won’t be added until there’s multiple spirit weapons, which definitely isn’t happening, so the Astropos rite would just kinda be stuck in limbo, implemented but unobtainable.

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Well, we could just get one per update and we’d be happy enough.

I can’t wait to set up a farm faster than Servius Lucro and render his quest to repair his wheat farm completely useless too!


I went around earth 30 times yet choose to farm my sky pumpkins in peace