Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

we should get reskinned weapons or something that actually has a use

on god ts would be fire

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Same :pensive:

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I didn’t get the first easter event, and now I really want pink candles :frowning:

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I really want to have a Easter ship man :confused:

Vertex has already said that Galaga and Xxael are handling the event items

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Be glad that you’ve missed shark day 2023.

Oh the horror of it…
The game went from “you have to search for multiple hours to find enough sharks to get sailor style” to “if you step into the sea at any island for 5 seconds you will be attacked by a shark” instantly.
Neither of those are exaggerations either, both happened to me.


I joined AO during that period, and I thought the amount of sharks was to make so the player didn’t go in the water

Beam and piercing shot aren’t hitscans right?
Anyone got a souce?

I cant see sharks and pretty much all sea monsters, idk maybe its because I travel my magma instead of sailing

I feel like the latter scenario is how AA was, I’d get killed by sharks immediately after staying in the water for more than 5-10 seconds. So for a while after AO’s release I played with a fear of the ocean.

And then just when you felt comfortable in the sea with no sharks in sight, you get a nasty surprise

Slavery update

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Can other players use the stands? Would be good for neutral and clanless players like me to have more places to fix up my ship and stuff

Farming has yet to be mentioned, but if vetex makes it so castaways have to work the fields, that would wild :skull:

I guarantee you someone will make an island entirely composed of workers with the latter “skin tone” options. I also see that some people will exclusively use feminine-appearing NPCs.


hey guys I will take claim to being one of these people for one of my files

I’m going to make a long list of everything important being added this update when the release date is announced
Should I put it in RFAO when the time comes?

Also if anyone steals this idea from me I gouge their eyes out with a spoon :grin:

use a melon baller its far easier