Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

now THIS sounds fantastic!

So, remember how Warlords have fighting styles?
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

What do you think it is? What does it do?

1: Thermo (red aura)


I wonder if this is the new fighting style the assassin boss may or may not have

Karate feels closer to a white color imo

I’m so glad he uses a ketch and not a brig. If he had a brig then what would even be the point of making him a level 100 boss? You can’t really sink a brig without a brig of your own, and you can’t get that unless you’re level 120. So if Evander had a brig, either the ship fight would be impossible but the boss fight is fair, or the ship fight would be fair and the boss is too easy because you’re overleveled.

The red looks awesome with his color scheme so I don’t mind at all in this instance, but I really hope Vetex doesn’t continue making every strength boss/miniboss use either Basic Combat (Cernyx, Carina) or this unnamed red style (Argos, Evander). The only outlier so far is Calvus with Iron Leg but he only uses Smash with it.

I also hope Evander uses his fighting style by itself sometimes instead of only the imbued weapon. Argos does this too, it’s not the full Warlord experience :frpensive:

I don’t want this to sound like a whiny complaint or anything. I’m actually kinda excited to get a second look at this fighting style; maybe we’ll finally learn its name or what it’s about. (I don’t think it’s just Thermo Fist, because that’s from Sameria, while Evander is native to the Thorne Empire which is presumably super far away.)


i guess :sob: i’m just going off of the (albeit) unofficial wiki :person_shrugging:

i’m all here for Evander rn. his outfit’s cool his sword’s cool and i hope his fighting style (if it’s new) is cool

should depend on your belt i think

I did some off-camera mining…


I do see a belt on him, come to think of it.

I have my doubts that it’s Karate, but it’s possible.

Theirs more pictures of him in the comments of the Twitter post

AND he’s British so he’s even cooler

Looks too pale to either be thermofist or Argo’s unnamed style

Thermo Fist is objectively orange.

Reddish, but orange.

Honestly, I disagree, I feel like bosses having different fighting styles each makes them feel more unique tbh.

I love how without the player UI, you would be led to think that this is just an assassin syndicate ketch.
Talk about tricking pirates and assassins with appearance, that man’s wicked.

As a red green colorblind person, no the fuck it is not

“Oh shit another assassin ketch, better go sink it”
“Why the fuck did I just lose 100 fame?”

Is boxing imbue red?

You would lowkey have to be an idiot.

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