Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Mind you, one is suspected to not even have an affinity.

both can be made at the same time and in the same update.

But at the same time, Staff of Night could also easily have 1-3 different Basic Rites.

Alright gang, what stats do yall think the Mountainbreaker set is going to give?
Me personally, I’m hoping for Defense and Agility.

What if it actually is a rare case of defense and power

Maybe def and size tho, or def/ap

Want to remind everyone that auction stands have existed for over 4 years and we’re just finally getting them🐎

about time tbh

i would genuinely lose my mind if it was the very first instance of a defense power set, as for defense size maybe since really the only true defense size set we have is SIron, if its AP thats going to be disappointing.

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I swear of this thing gonna turn to be better than sunked Im out

It’s technically not because we have a power defense drawback set I think, I don’t feel like spelling the name out (too much effort, too fancy!!!) but it’s the red one

Frog armor

due to it having Drawback, i dont consider it a true defense power set. (the defense is really only there to offset the drawback lets be real)

Want you both to know that we already have defense/power
The armor gives way less power for defense, but better than nothing I guess

I just feel like wood arcanium is so underrated, though, I guess you have to have the magic to use it (wood is underrated :speaking_head:)

Did nobody break the news that the red is weapon aura


my friend got a deckhand called drake the love fool

I will. I’ve been trying to get perfect deckhands with fun names, but the closest I’ve gotten is a Richards the Lionheart with sailing speed.

I hope so, I want to give them fun hats.

my guess for the stats of Evander armor is going to be Power/Attack Size/Armor Piercing (there always gotta be one main stat for armor that can only be obtain by certain npc)
Armor Piercing Because Evander fucking destroy mountain (hence his title)
Attack Size because i thought of his Colossal Greatsword and the attack must be big enough to actually cause enough destruction to destroy mountain

please no armor piercing let us have our power/size armor :pleading_face: