Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

my friend got a deckhand called drake the love fool

I will. I’ve been trying to get perfect deckhands with fun names, but the closest I’ve gotten is a Richards the Lionheart with sailing speed.

I hope so, I want to give them fun hats.

my guess for the stats of Evander armor is going to be Power/Attack Size/Armor Piercing (there always gotta be one main stat for armor that can only be obtain by certain npc)
Armor Piercing Because Evander fucking destroy mountain (hence his title)
Attack Size because i thought of his Colossal Greatsword and the attack must be big enough to actually cause enough destruction to destroy mountain

please no armor piercing let us have our power/size armor :pleading_face:

Icl metal mage with piercing size and power would be absolutely unbeatable. You try to dodge? The aoe is too big to dodge. You try to block? Armour piercing will negate that. The ultimate skill less build. Not to mention power and metal magic’s high power affinity would just be the cherry on top

ok but multi substat armor if it has a main stat too is notoriously inefficient. just size and power would do fine and be easier to make builds with

First person to recruit william gilliam wins AO

where are the tiny William Gilliam photos in that message blaze, I know you hit them somewhere

I can’t do that with every message otherwise people will always know they are there.
They need to be a surprise, you have to check every post for him

Why not just make clan base people recruitable like deckhands tho
Now everyone will be searching for castaways

@Maple can I put this in RFAO when update day is announced :pleading_face:

I’m gonna make a big list of everything important that is changing, and it’s gonna be broken up into drop-down lists something like this
New islands
New items
New features
Major changes

Pretty please :pleading_face:

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Wait why is this armor set actually good, might have to swap magic…

you can make a separate topic and link it to reminders like randomness has done before i think

but yeah you can also put it directly in the thread if you want

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Colored weapon aura as a warlord??? I guess Greenwish Cultist Staff has a naturally green aura, but that’s because it has green at the tip. The Colossal Greatsword doesn’t have any red on it so I’m not sure how it would produce a red aura.

red cuz of evander lol

Is it his fighting style?

I absolutely love how evander looks well done man

You say that like there’s a scarcity.

I figured as much. Warlords do have fighting styles.