Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i could see the tavren being added

They should make it so non clan players can claim an island, and use personal funds to build it.
It generates renown instead of infamy, and depending on fame/bounty the juraserva will say it differently,
For example, if you are fame:
“(Name) has taken control of (island)!
(Name) has taken it up as their duty to protect (island), castaways and weary sailors can know they have a safe stop at their (outpost/station/settlement depending on renown)”
Or for bounty
“(Name) has taken control of (island)!
(Name), a known dangerous criminal has seized (island), it is unknown what plans they have, but they have taken to forcing nearby castaways to work jobs, and plundering those who come near their (outpost/station/society depending on renown)”

Actually wait I should use that in a suggestor application, nobody steal it

But I don’t want renown… I don’t want infamy… I just want to build on an island.

all of the above tbh
why have less when you can have more

My bad

For the damage rate on colossal cleave it’s a buff from what I can tell

Goes from hitting 5 times a second to 6 times, a little bit before seven times

Am I correct?

it probably like, uhhhh

maybe it acts like Pulsar and steadily increases in damage (or has a flat damage rate) until an explosion or something at the end, like a moving Javelin?

Alright we got
Warrior pulsar
Mage pulsar
Warlord pulsar
Place your bets on who’s next

  • Strength pulsar
  • Spirit pulsar
  • Conj pulsar
  • Paladin pulsar
  • Warlock pulsar
  • Knight pulsar
  • Juggernaut pulsar
  • Savant pulsar
0 voters

isnt strength pulsar just selino

Not really

multiple hits
multiple hits

selino is therefore a pulsar

Yeah but it’s not a projectile

Idk if we don’t get anything closer than I’ll count it

Pulsar is a ranged move though

Well now we need another poll

  • Selino is strength pulsar
  • Selino is not strength pulsar
0 voters

The addition of reagent pots will be a great QoL for rare reagent farming, but why lock them behind clans, an optional social feature?
I get that it makes sense for now, but why not just place a limited amount of them around the world?
This would:

  • Limit their maximum quantity naturally (no bullshit “Erm, you can’t place more for literally no reason other than balancing :nerd:”)
  • Make them fit within the world, immersing the player more (because why exactly would clans have those but not kingdoms?)
  • Makes players unlock more as they progress in the story, meaning that they would get more when they need more
  • Have players visit all seas more often, something I think vetex wants
  • Increase the amount of potential quests (specifically the fun kind that actually changes the player’s world)

I’m guessing that the answer lies in data saving, as the reagent pots probably don’t save your reagents (meaning that he does not have to script in a new thing to save in a player’s data).


rest in skibidi savants

yeah no we’re gonna just kill you for saying that
(goodbye savants)

We’re in the balance portion now, so we’re likely getting this update within the next week or two

can we hit 10k messages within two weeks though
we gotta fulfill our thread quota…

Finally, after all these years,


metal barriers is now the most op reflex in the game :100:

Speaking of messages, I saw about a thousand are gone

Did someone do some clean up or did me ignoring stock do that