Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

spires are still too short to be cassia bay

ok nvm i was wrong its prob cassia bay

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I expect island building to be way more restrictive

Image on it’s own.

And yeah it’s definitely most likely Cassia Bay.


Funny how that’s exactly what it looks like.

i admitted i was wrong blud can you look up 4 messages or just go to that original post where i said

also that big rock the tower is built on seems hella suspicious considering you can only terraform at or around sea level

I’ll agree, it is a little conspicuous, but if that’s there, then I’m sure we can do it anyway.

has anything else been said about that undershirt feature from a while ago?

ok theres 2 options pookiesounds

  1. its cassia bay
  2. its not cassia bay
    idk which

dont think its getting added this update, when it does get added i hope it disables modifiers on disabled shirt parts (e.g. disabled modifier on my torso when i disable torso armor with titanium)

Well of course.

Wasn’t that just a suggestion somebody made, or am I tweaking?

wow to turn a boring bunch of rocks into that is pretty damn awesome

i wonder if the giant castle in the back is a tier 7 or 8 keep

i feel like its a bunch of nested walls built around a keep (looks like 2 layers of wall with a keep in the middle)

sadge, hopefully in the post update patch cuz it would be revolutionary for drip

yeah, combine that with auction house and players will become much more visually pleasing

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possibly, it looks a lot like the sun palace

i still feel like its not cassia bay because of the giant mound of rock its built on and the fact that you can only terraform on sea level, but i digress

The only reason for me to think that you can’t build past sea level is one test video I saw a while back where it was indeed the only option, but that was a while back.

maybe the mountain is a cliff, a tidecliff perhaps?

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theoretically the most you would be able to do is slightly extend spires
also i dont think its built because its several overlapping rotated parts, and we saw from that video that they just snap to connect instead of rotate (plus theyre at different elevations)

poetry :fire::writing_hand: