Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

  • the island is tidecliff
  • the island is not tidecliff
0 voters
  • the island is cassia bay
  • the island is not cassia bay
0 voters

I will mention, I did look around the perimeter of Cassia bay to see if any rock formations looked like the ones in the picture, as in the specific shapes of the spires. I didn’t find them.

I think its terraforming

that would mean we can make man made mountains

which is peak but idkl if we can do that

Construct a giant ass wall around sandfall

limited building parts and you cant stack terraform parts onto eachother but idk
maybe if your high up you can just place them as tall pillars since they go infinitely down?


I hope it unlocks more mobility stuff like wall running and maybe something like T jumping from walls can be aimed if using shift lock. Letting you use walls as a surface to boost off of, or maybe just make this for T Jump in general.

In other words, I want more mobility options.

I asked vetex about the tavern in caitara ill post what he says if he responds

I found where the terrain matches up in cassia bay
but I am currently drowning give me a second


ok looking at it again Idk if it 100% lines up give me a min

lol, that cassia bay base alone was 100k+ on terraforming

we cooked bro :sob:

i did ask tobi a few days ago, he said he doesn’t know. Can you also ask Vetex if Cyro’s volcano is coming

it might be one of the three that vetex says are still being added (please add them in the auction house patch vetex :bangbang:)

People do complain about drawback, but not vitality drawback for some reason

I honestly don’t understand how people don’t realize how much even spirit drawback takes away in a fight. Like I see it all the time it’s so very clear, and yes even when I use it too

they might actually come in Empires

doubt it, it would be nice but i dont think its happening yet
now on the other hand there’s a chance we may get no infamy loss/gain on claiming over someone else’s island

it depends on whether vetex has time to add another island

I really hope it comes in Empires or the Auction patch. Hopefully he has time to add it