Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Yet another idea that vetex stole from peak lineage :pensive:

the enemy watching as i block 50% of damage during my 50% reduction dodge reflex, simply absorbing their ultimate art:

he doesnt know its multiplicative

My guess is that the raid wouldn’t start until you get claiming. I should hope it’d be accessible to non-clan players, but Vetex hasn’t really liked doing that lately.

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why wouldn’t it be accessible? it’s a entire miniboss, and your infiltrating a fort. Your not standing on some deserted Ravenna island and saying its yours, your actively assaulting a station of the bronze legion, its not gonna wait until you pull out your claiming flag to start attacking you


According to another user (I forgot), claimed islands will be removed from the treasure chart pool.

Todays my last shift at work before the update :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

assuming he got all the raid (spawning) mechanics done last night then yea id say fort catsrum will come this update

added to the list

i will add fort castrum to the list when i have free time / it is added to the trello

After everything is done for it, you should turn it into its own post

i am going to make another one for full release, which i assume will be several hundred trello posts :skull:
I spent like some 18 hours writing this one, and one night i stayed up till 4:30 AM to finish it

definitely will be doing it again tho, since people seemed to like it
Idk if i can make it one post tho, it breaks forum character limit of 40,000 characters :fr:

make a whole thread pre-formatted then post several messages in it, bring in another user to help you break it up since you cant post more than 3 in a row iirc

I forgot empires was coming out this friday… Cant wait to see how stupid array is hehhe

The drafts feature in question:

Seriously does nobody ever use drafts

i wrote it in forum private messages,
i had to update it alot while making it

same for the 2nd message with it

I meant in a thread of its own so it could be easier to refer to

Replies kinda end up getting lost a lot (as has been seen with this thread)

Do you guys think Sunkens will progress in the way we see them currently do?
Perhaps will there be one for every 50 levels? We’ll see if we get Sunken Champion and Lost Translator in Full Release.

i can do that, sure
btw, is it the first image in a post that becomes the posts image? or how does that work

If sunkens start becoming a thing… Maybe their chances should be lowered! I would prefer if they were all yknow… The same level cap