Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

fort castrate 'em my beloved:blush:


Hopefully the raid part is an actual island and not just floating in the void

33 posts were split to a new topic: Spoilers in update threads

I’ll be damned, you’re right.
But wait, wouldn’t magic energy be able to imitate the theoretical concept of a volatile and actively decaying gaseous matter which absorbs 100% of all light?
Maybe that’s what you meant by “heat magic could be capable of taking away heat”… I see
Sorry for derailing because of such a poor interpretation!!!

It is, you just can’t really tell in the blurry images

sorry man, curse user accessible only

we gonna be on that General Valerii grind

World gonna explode if General Valerii has drops.

well hes a miniboss

Honestly looks like it could work as a pretty cool pvp arena in itself

So, is the whole raid going to take place inside the fort? I don’t know why, but I thought raids were going to be entirely ship-based :laughing:

I guess I figured if you’ve gotten inside the fortress at all then their defenses probably failed, no? But it’s probably better this way. Imagine sailing close to Fort Castrum by accident and starting a raid :sob: I guess you could make a pop-up appear for it but that’s kinda awkward. Entering inside the fortress to start the raid is much more natural.

Me and the clan casually walking into a heavily fortified military base (we heard there’s an actually reasonable way to get modifiers there)

Wait… Fort Castrum is just Fort Fort? :sob::sob::sob:
To be fair a lot of real-world locations have silly names like these. Torpenhow Hill for example. Still, just because it’s accurate doesn’t make it a good name.

They all drink chai tea and take vacations to lake Chad when they aren’t fighting

Considering the context, it could also be interpreted as Fortified, Strong, or even Isolated, and Castle Fort.
We will see once we will see, I’m guessing that the answer will lie in its exploration and location.

I just realized that the Fort Castrum waves will allow us to get MODIFIED ITEMS? FINALLY, a fun and unique way to grind items I ACTUALLY care abt. This is amazing, oh so peak


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Watch this exclusively give superheated and sandy :sob:

Wait those will be good next update

I PRAY this is a response to the modifier suggestions. And not some half assed extra loot source but it’s too rare to be actually useful as to not affect the economy

it could at least open up the possibility for later raids to give other modifiers though