Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

for some reason i cant wait to see the heat and gravity icons

Berserkers Fishing

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rip the clan players who want to change their fs to one of the ones in the wilderness islands

Hey, has anyone ever heard of the Egyption Gods? Please if you know them or are in the clan, dm me, or reply to this post:

Yeah I was in them for like, a day

Also stop derailing :100:

nah, but i have heard of neptune, which you should totally join!

please tell me about them in my other post. and the reason i made that post was so yall wouldn’t say im “derailing” its why i said to reply only in that post

yeah i’ve heard of neptune too, pretty sure they’re this leaderboard clan owned by this 64arc guy, i heard they have really easy tryouts (breathe and youre in) & active vcs

Unfortunately they don’t like attack size (the best stat) so 0/10 clan niether me nor any alter egos/schizophrenic personalities of mine would ever join them

ew you use size? my 1100 defense 120 power 100 speed build begs to differ :fire::fire::fire:

You are arguing with a METAL CONJURER about size vs speed

just dont play metal :fire::fire::fire:

No >:(

It will be at 10% :sob:


rear admiral amelia interrogation and/or lean potions

Enizor is dealing to Kenton, who distributes it to the navy

I’ve got it all figured out

Wonder if those are just truth serum bottles just lying around near the bounty board casually?