Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Logically if more people use a lot of galleons on other things like clans, assuming it didn’t have any galleon profit in return, it would increase the value and demand of galleons.


Some uninteresting changes but I’ll just put this here.

thinking that he puts “needs to be tested” to make sure that people can’t mald after an update that “testers aren’t doing their jobs!!!”

People leaving while you’re claiming their island is probably done for

Oh, the clan tax system is back now.

Being honest, did anyone ever actually notice this system in WoM? Or that it was even removed in the first place?

I predict that every big clan that implements taxes will have an acute decline in members

99% :skull: :skull: :skull:

Me: Opening wooden chest and getting 3 galleons
Clan: Give me 2 galleons (2.97)

If vetex is gonna go full demon time and make it so clans can tax 99%, he might as well bump it up to 100% :skull:
A small fee for ye average clan

So if I earned 50,000 galleons through sealed chests or smth. I’ll only keep 500 if the owner set the tax to 99% :sob: :sob:

Don’t worry guys I will make my clan a tax haven (0% tax) :sunglasses:

it wasn’t really that prominent, because it only took money from completing quests
and since barely anyone completed quests when they’ve reached max level, it was kind of forgotten about

I had a bank clan with 50% tax, and it was… Im still not sure how useful cause i was getting only half the crowns, but personaly, the loss of crowns on death felt more drastic, so i guess it was useful for solo bank-clan.

But now that the clan-bank is no longer a thing, and rather its “treasury”, i dont see any point of setting it above 25-35%

setting my taxes to around 35-50%
I want my members to have galleons too

I personally think 5% is just fine, if I need to personally build stuff I can just deposit with the knowledge that I have a steady stream of income.

Vetex should add this so people don’t set taxes all to 99%

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I doubt anyone will even use the clan tax thing outside of like larger clans

personally I don’t see anyone realistically going above 5-10% clan tax, especially with the fact that the treasury will already be able to get passive galleons